Theses are the culmination of honor students independent research under the guidance of faculty members and are representative of Union College's commitment to giving students the tools necessary for life-long learning.
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Reconstructing the Concept of Terrorism After 9/11: The Case of FARC-EP in Colombia, Leland Garivaltis
Disordered Eating as a Consequence of Thin-Ideal Television: An Investigation of Internalization and Self-Monitoring as Potential Vulnerability Factors, Arielle S. Gartenburg
The Mythic Space of the New Frontier: The Façade of The White House Tour and Visual Culture of the JFK Library and Museum, Marissa R. Gentile
Follicle Stimulating Hormone Receptor Resides in Detergent Resistant Membrane Microdomains, Johanna Geoghegan
Comparative Study of Aerosols Using Particle Induced X-Ray Emission, Colin L. Gleason
FSH Treated Cells and the Effects on Cell Signaling, Brian H. Goldman
The Impact of Public Approval of Congress on Midterm Congressional Election Outcomes, Jordan L. Goldman
Féminisme français : Fait, Fiction, Jennifer Granina
Fallingwater: Structure and Design, Avery Gray
Analyzing the Parallelism between the Rise and Fall of Baseball in Quebec and the Quebec Secession Movement, Daniel S. Greene
A Continuous Late Holocene Record of Paleoclimate Change from Grinnell Lake Sediment Cores, Glacier National Park, Montana, Jonathan G. Griffith
Is Turkey Turning Away from the West?, Saghar Hamidzade
Metacaspase gene function in the mushroom fungus Schizophyllum commune, Matthew P. Hanley
An Introduction to the p-adic Numbers, Charles I. Harrington
Ion-Beam Analysis of Airborne Pollution, Charles I. Harrington
Electrophysiological indices of aesthetically stimulated processes in art-experienced individuals as compared to art-naïve individuals, Katharine E. Hartnack
No Child Left Behind: A Critical Look at the Historic Educational Reform And A Proposal of the Necessary Remedies, Meghan L. Hartnett
Sustainable Food: New York Organic Dairy Market Conditions and Recommendations for Policy Reform, Dylan H. Hawkins
Using Synchrotron X-Ray Imaging to Visualize Tracheal Changes During Intermolt Development in American Locusts, Lauren E. Hennessey
The Role of Religious Orientation and Religious Emphasis On God Attributions, Rebecca S. Hoffenberg
Culture Macroeconomics Adjustments and Economic Growth, Schuyler R. Hooper
Broken English and Fixed Stereotypes: The Portrayal of Asian Americans in the Popular Media, Alice C. Huang
Detrital zircon fission track ages of the Paleocene Orca Group of Eastern Prince William Sound near Cordova Alaska, Tyler M. Izykowski
The Belief in a Just World and Social Dominance Orientation: Relation to Stigma Towards Mental Illness and Ensuing Behavioral Responses, Allison M. Jekogian
La Malinche de Rascón Banda: Deconstruyendo un símbolo colonial y recreando una imagen nueva a través del anacronismo, Alicia E. Jones
Cognitive Dissonance as a Potential Mediator of the Misinformation Effect, Nina S. Jordan
Quiet Moments: My Artistic Exploration, Neena Jube
Bartenders Know Best: An In-Depth Analysis of the Impact of Tourism on Local Barbadian Culture, Pearl E. Jurist-Schoen
The Leech World, Daniel J. Kason
Scalable Co-Evolution of Soft Robot Properties and Gaits, Davis K. Knox
Reform in the Credit Rating Industry, Ronald D. Knox
Governing Religion: A Study of Religions Function Across Three Distinctly Different Societies, Sky Kochenour
Le Moi Double: Les Inconscients (Post)coloniaux chez Césaire et Breton, Emma A. Krosschell
To be alive - is Power: Fullers Feminine Ideal Realized in Dickinsons Poems, Emma A. Krosschell
Applying Fair Division to Global Carbon, Emily D. Lacroix
Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Used for Tinnitus Suppression: A Voxel-Based Morphometry Study, Lauren E. Laitman
Retributive Justice and Standing: A Critique of State Punishment, Benjamin H. Lawrence
Do good things come to those who wait?: The role of delayed gratification and individual differences in consumer purchasing decisions, Rachel L. Lazarus
How Soft News Affects Attitudes and Behavior In 18-24 Year Olds, Kathryn E. Leary
Design and Fabrication of an Autonomous Solar Powered Airship, Mitchell Van Lee
Simple Yet Secure: A Study in User-Driven Design of a Text-Based Technical Support System, Alex W. Levine
Manual Rubber Sandal Press for Loisaba Kenya, Bridget N. Little
Redesigning the Keyfinder, Alexander Liu
Discerning Prey from Predator in Dragonflies, Melanie Lolier
The Military-Industrial Complex: Tracing the Effects of Defense Production on General Electrics Growth WWII-1970, Jeffrey Lounsbury
Foreign Direct Investment Response Following Intellectual Property Rights Reform, Samuel G. Lundquist
After the Studio: The Politcal Influence of Visual Imagery, Katherine A. MacEwan
On the Eve, Katherine A. MacEwan
An Environmental Economic Analysis of Green Building and the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Rating System, John A. Manna
The Neuropsychological Effects of Combined Physical and Mental Exercise in Schizophrenia, Maggie M. Manning
A Lost Land: The Jewish Experience in the Catskills, Briana H. Mark
Change: An Analysis of Vote Choice in the 2008 Presidential Election, Maryssa A. Mataras
Traumatic vs. Pathological Achilles Tendon Ruptures: A Look into the Importance of the Collagen Matrix and the Preferred Method of Repair, Kathleen M. McLean
SAE Aero Design Project, Angela N. McLelland
Pedagogical Tool for Usability Science Final Project Report, Daniel D. Mendelsohn
International Aid in Afghanistan: Examining the Effectiveness of Traditional Aid and Development Programs, Samuel A. Merlin
Investigation of the Temporal Characteristics of Absolute Pitch and Relative Pitch Using EEG, Caitlin E. Miner
Geochemical and Petrographic Analysis of Gore Mountain Garnets, Adirondacks NY, Elizabeth R. Morgan
Design and Validation of an External Fixator for use in In Vivo Fracture Studies, Marc S. Nash
The Girl in the Postfeminist World: Rethinking the Impact of Chick-Lit Fiction, Sarah T. O'Connor
From Gene to Behavior: Investigation of Ppt1 and Ppt2 RNAi induced knock-down during Drosophila neurogenesis, Patrick J. O'Hern
Design and Fabrication of Rear Suspension and Drivetrain for Union College's SAE Baja Car, Nicholas W. Oren
The Effects of Self-Monitoring & an Audience on Cognitive Dissonance, Elizabeth C. Paul
Sex Text and Screen: Kubricks Adaption of Sexually-Explicit Scenes from Text to Film, Elsa A. Perushek
A General Look at Posets Rings and Lattices, Courtney A. Phillips
Une approche lourde ou légère? : les habitudes alimentaires malsaines et la proposition du Valérie Boyer contre le niveau maigre, Eva M. Pogosian
Secrecy in an Open Society, Nicholas A. Poli
Progress towards an Aza-Michael Addition to Ketones, Bowman Potter
Kwame Nkrumah and the Making of National Identity in Ghana, Amanda B. Powers
Schenectadys New Deal: The WPA in the City of Schenectady, Scott F. Power
[Silverpoint Drawings], Amanda G. Purner
If you label it this then it cant be that: Revisiting New Journalism in Mailer, Didion, and Wolfe, Jill E. Radwin
Personality Consumption: The Effects the Media Has On Shaping Personalities in Our Teenage Population, Kevin L. Regan
Cloning and Expression of Two Putative Metacaspases from the Fungus Schizophyllum commune, Michelle F. Richter
Identitat-Anlage durch Warter und Aussehen, C. David Robba
Eminent Domain in the Wake of the Kelo Decision, Matthew J. Rogers
From Ankara to Jerusalem: An Analysis of the Decline in Turkish-Israeli Relations, Kama Sacajiu
Micro-PIV of Self-Propelling Bi-Slugs in a Micro Channel, Lilla M. Safford Smith
The Role of Personality on Persuasion to Exercise: Does Conscientiousness and Extraversion Moderate the Constructs of the Theory of Planned Behavior?, Amanda I. Samuels
The Darker Side of Americas Wonderland A Study of the First Four Decades of Yellowstone National Park, Elizabeth M. Sargent
Self-Monitoring and Advertising: Evaluations of Image- versus Quality-Oriented Advertisements for Public/Private and Public Luxury/Necessity Products, Erin M. Schroth
Robots Are People Too: Posthumanism in Battlestar Galactica, Rebecca Seel
What's More Persuasive? How the Internet and Newspaper Change Opinions, Sloane E. Sheldon
The Impacts of Terror Management and Self-Monitoring on Religiosity, Caitlin M. Silvia
Evidence of a rudimentary colon in Leucoraja erinacea, Alyssa M. Simeone
The Impact of the 2005 Collective Bargaining Agreement on Competitive Balance in the National Hockey League, John L. Simpson
Color Vision and Color Discrimination in Anolis sagrei, Rachael A. Singleton
Bifunctional ligand exchange on the surface of CdSe nanoparticles, Clancy C. Slack
Fashion and Cosmetic Advertising in Three Magazines in the 1950s: How Advertising Shaped Societal Expectations of Beauty, Lindsey B. Sloan
Atomic Force Microscopy Study of Titanium Dioxide, David Smoot
Virtual and live social facilitation while exergaming: Competitiveness moderates, Amanda L. Snyder
Design and Implementation of an RF Data Communication System, Aung K. Soe
Following the Herd: An Economic Analysis of the Effects of Herd Mentality on the U.S. Housing Bubble, Michael P. Spicer
Improving the Energy Efficiency of Fero House Home of Alpha Delta Phi, Matt S. Stankiewicz
Imperial Infringement or Self-destruction? The Demise of the Caribbean's Black Power Socialist Experiment, Georgia E. Swan-Ambrose
The Design of a Solar Thermal Desiccant Dehumidification System, Lucas O. Tizani
Development of a Robust Genetic Test for Hyperkalemic Periodic Paralysis (HYPP) in Quarter Horses, Samantha Traver
Characterization of Green Roofs and their Potential Effects on the Union College Campus, Cybil Tribie
Rediscovering Prigg v. Pennsylvania, Andrew J. Trochanowski