Theses are the culmination of honor students independent research under the guidance of faculty members and are representative of Union College's commitment to giving students the tools necessary for life-long learning.
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Analysis of Entrepreneurial Qualities and Preparations Influencing Success and a Business Plan for the Startup Company MODD Products, Ellen Blanchard
Balenciaga: the man, the enigma, the king of couture, Sara Block
Invisibly Wounded Warriors: The Psychological Repercussions of War On American Soldiers, Maisy Bragg
Gender Dynamics in Classical Athens, William Breitweiser
The Effects of Stress on Delay Discounting Performance for Higher and Lower Intelligence Individuals, Rebecca Brodoff
Mobile Application Development: The Mobile Intoxication Assessment Tool, Adam Burns
The Gendered Construction of Cosmetic Surgery, Stacey Burns
Combating Suburban Sprawl in the Capital District: An Outline for Regional Sustainable Development, Andrew J. Cahill
Differences in Touching Behavior with Strangers and Acquaintances Based on Adult Attachment Theory and Sociability, Kaitlin Camilleri
Analysis of detrital zircon fission track ages of the Upper Cretaceous Valdez Group and Paleogene Orca Group in Western Prince William Sound Alaska, Benjamin Morris Carlson
The World War II Home Front in New York State: Evaluating the Success of the Office of Civilian Mobilization in Stimulating Volunteer Efforts, Elizabeth Carney
The Yield Curve: An Analysis of its Forecasts for the Future of the U.S Economy, Michael Casper
Le pouvoir de Médée: Une analyse de Médée comme elle est perçue dans la culture Française, Emily Cassello
Who is Medea? A Woman's Transformation through History, Emily Cassello
An Economic Analysis of Somali Piracy Deterrence Strategies within the Context of the Economic Theory of Crime and Punishment, Ryan Castello
Do Cigarette Taxes Make Smokers Happier Than Nonsmokers?, Mark Chaskes
Development of Mechanical Testing Procedures for Union College Bioengineering Department and Bioengineering Laboratory Courses, Jonathan Chew
The Afghan-Soviet War: The U.S. and its Covert Cold War, Alexander Cooper
Agricultural Policy In America: The Rise of Industrial Farms and the Emergence of Alternative Farming, Elizabeth DAgostino
Work All My Life: Italian Immigrant Women's Experiences in Post-World War II Schenectady, Lia DAmbrosio
Aristotle and Thucydides on Wealth Exchange and Acquisition, Joseph Dammann
Gaming Classics: The Bard, Thomas DeFina
Costa Brava y A mi madre le gustan las mujeres: Películas pioneras en una época de cambio, Madelyn Degutis
Effects of Income Inequality on Economic Growth, Madelyn Degutis
Net CO2 Reduction Analysis for A Wind Farm, Darren Del Dotto
The History of Mining in Cerro de Pasco and Heavy Metal Deposition in Lake Junin Peru, Erin M. Delman
Provider and Patient Satisfaction with the Use of Telemedicine in the Delivery of Healthcare, Rohit Dhingra
In vivo Characterization of Deformation Fields in Hypertense Amphibian Hearts Using the Speckle Image Photogrammetry Technique, Mcolisi Dlamini
Laura Bush and Hillary Clinton: Helpmates to resident or role models for nations women?, Majorie Brooke Donnelly
When Mountain meets Road: Mfankind's connection to nature through sublime theory in Shelley's Mont Blanc and McCarthy's The Road, Catherine Elliott
The State of Sustainable Transportation at Union College: A Transportation Audit of Union College Students and Faculty, Benjamin Engle
Detainment and Torture in Guantanamo Bay: Events, Legality and Effectiveness, Samuel Fein
I am the Robot. Are You?, Rachel Michelle Feldman
Perpetuation and Deviation of Traditional Gender Roles Established in Fairy-Tales through Contemporary Spanish Cinema, Rachel Michelle Feldman
Worth More Than Her Womb A Cross-Country Analysis of Reproductive Rights, Brianne Fennessy
Cría cuervos (1976), Carlos Saura: The Loss of Childhood and Equality, Rachel Finkelstein
Wind Energy: Do the Benefits Outweigh the Costs?, Scott E. Fixman
When Correlation Equals Causation: A Study of Failures to Understand Scientific Information, Matthew Fontaine
American Aid for German War Prisoners: Humanitarian Relief as Reconciliation between Heritage and Patriotism, Erica Fugger
An Evaluation of the Revised Hierarchical Model (RHM): How Quickly do we Learn to Associate Clock with Uhr?, Sierra Fuller
Un Silencio Roto: Los Derechos de la Mujer desde la Transición hasta el Nuevo Milenio, Sierra Fuller
Neural Responses to Looming Objects in the Dragonfly, Elon Gaffin-Cahn
The Politics of RSFs: An Antidote to Reversing the Resource Curse in Latin America?, Sarah Gagnon
The Role of the Bystander Effect on Domestic Violence Within College Relationships, Caitlin Gallagher
Secondary Droplet Breakup in Periodic Aerodynamic Flows using Computational Fluid Dynamics, Krystle Gallo
The Battle of Algiers and the Dictatorship of Truth: How Crillo Pontecorvo Used Film as an Illusion to the Reality of a Dying Colonialism, Caitlin Gardner
Wide Open Space, Brittany Gilbert
Painting with Life, Vishnu Gollakota
Measuring the Strain Field Gradients on the Surface of a Model Human Skull while Axially Loaded to Simulate Head-loading, Matthew Graveley
Life at a Local HIV/AIDS Community Outreach Program: Exploring Community Reliance in the Face of Financial Instability, Amanda Greenberg
Sustainable Cities as the Gateway to the Future: A Case Study of New Rochelle, Andrea B. Grenadier
Can the Survival Processing Effect be Replicated in Non-Ancestral Survival Scenarios?, Ciro Griffiths
Reflections on the Atomic Bomb’s effect on America since its dropping on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Matt Grogan
Does Personality Moderate Reciprocity?, Arianna Groveman
Environmental Risk Explored Through Oil Spills and Hydraulic Fracturing: Attempting Environmental Protection through Policy, Samantha M. Guidon
Putting the Wind at Our Backs: Assessing U.S. Potential for 20% Wind Energy by 2030, Kevin T. Harnett
The Use of Color Vision & Color Communication in Lizards, Vasyl Hereha
A Long Goodbye, Jenna Hiltsley
How Does Satisfaction Affect Migration Patterns Within the United States (2006-2009), Michael Jacobson
Fox-Kuzunoha: The Actor Print and the Expression of Female as 'Other' in the Late Edo Period, Kara Jefts
The Differing Effects of Mood Priming On High versus Low Self-Monitors, Kathleen E. Jordan
Morphosynthesis and Characterization of Alumina-Based Aerogels for Automotive Catalysis, Stephen Juhl
The Retributive and Economic Approaches to Punishment, Brian Karimi-Pashaki
The extent to which “death and disgust” thoughts influence recall in survival processing scenarios, Melanie Kramer
Evolutionary Fabrication: An Autonomous System of Invention, Tim Kuehn
Documenting the Anthropogenic Impact on Ballston Lake New York from a short core using stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen and trace metals, Taylor S. LaBrecque
Do Structured Products Increase Social Welfare?, Eric Langner
The Death Penalty in a Changing Socialist State: Reflections of 'Modernity' from the Mao Era to Contemporary China, Elizabeth Lehmann
La autosuficiencia y el regionalismo como constantes en la sociedad espanola contemporano, Colton Lewis
A New Crisis of the Republic: The Erosion of the Democratic Ideal, Michael G. Lewis
Un duelo nacional: El impacto cultural y sociopolitico de los atentados terroristas de Madrid, Michael G. Lewis
The Effect of Emotional Landmarks on Navigation, Jacqueline Litvak
Lacrosse: A Rich History Hindered by Racist Attitudes in the United States, Matthew Livingston
Investigating Beliefs Intentions and the Actions that Ensue, Emily Lnenicka
The Factors that Contribute to the Rise of Conservative Political Movements Throughout American History, Kelsey MacElroy
Examining the Effects of Exercise on Stressed Individuals Alcohol Expectancies, Maria Magavern
Social Television: A Broad Look at the Changing Television Landscape in the Digital Age As New Media Converge with Old Media, William Mahony
Coupling of Audio Signals into AFM Images, Matthew Manning
How To Predict Success In College, Holland Martini
The Implications of Female American Ideals Presented in Popular Television and Advertising, Siobhan Matty
Les femmes mythiques: Ce que ces symboles révèlent de la société française et les valeurs de la France, Rachel Mayer
The Politics of Sex: Analyzing the Relationship between the State and Gender Identity and Desire, Rachel Mayer
An Experimental Test of the Shower Effect, Andrew McKeegan
The Twisting Fed: How Changing Open Market Operation Compositions Affect Long-Term Interest Rates and Subsequently Influence Capital Expenditures, Michael Owen Miller
Gender Power and Language: Touring with the Gatekeepers of Union, Kaileigh Moore
Hommes libres? : Un aperçu des discours historiques et politiques sur les communautés juives et musulmanes françaises, Kelsey Mulvihill
Psychology of Advertising: The Effect of Self-Monitoring and Message Framing on Advertisement Persuasion, Emily Murray
The Nixon Years: Examining the Evolution of Federal Disaster Relief Policy 1969-1974, Daniel Nault
Drawing with a Needle, Dan Ni Cao
America and the Yuan: A Quantitative Analysis of Opinions at the Industry Level, Kevin Nowaskey
Modeling Biofuel Production in Southern Pine Forests: The Effects on Soil Properties, Brittany L. Oakes
The Evolution of Dewlap Color in Jamaican Anolis Lizards, Brianna Ogas