Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science



First Advisor

Kenneth DeBono




self-monitoring, impulse buying, consumer, gratification


A common dilemma that occurs in life involves choosing between rewards available in the present and greater rewards that require willingness to wait or work (Funder & Block 1989). Delayed gratification is a learned behavior where the individual sets aside feelings of satisfaction or gratification until a pre-determined time (Hodges 2001). The current study investigates the relationship between the personality trait of self-monitoring (high vs. low), and one’s ability to delay gratification. Previous research has found a relationship between impulse buying and self-monitoring, where high self-monitors are more likely to engage in impulse buying behaviors and the opposite for low self-monitors (Lazarus & DeBono 2009). In the current study, participants will receive four pairs of consumer product advertisements, two of which manipulate delay of gratification. One product will show immediate gratification with a smaller reward, while the other product will show delayed gratification with a larger reward. Based off previous findings, the current hypothesis is that high self-monitors and high impulse buyers are likely to prefer immediately gratifying products. Additionally, it is hypothesized that low self-monitors and low impulse buyers are likely to prefer products that delay gratification.
