"Micro-PIV of Self-Propelling Bi-Slugs in a Micro Channel" by Lilla M. Safford Smith

Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science


Mechanical Engineering

First Advisor

Bradford Bruno




suface, tension, fluid, flow, field, propulsion


Bi-slugs are fluid entities involving two dissimilar fluids that move “on their own” due to differences in surface tension. At the micro-fluidic scale this sort of motion may be useful to efficiently transport small quantities of fluid from place to place. This study uses Micro-Particle Image Velocimetry (µ-PIV) techniques to investigate self propelling bi-slug flows. The bi-slugs examined are made of ethylene glycol and Xiameter PMX-200 Silicone Fluid (5cst and 10cst) and placed in a glass micro-channel of approximately 1mm diameter. The Reynolds number (Re) range considered (based on ethylene glycol in the slug) is 2.54 - 1.07 and the capillary number (Ca) range is 1.23x10-3 - 5.18x10-4. In particular, we are interested in the flow field in the region near the interfacial meniscus, and the shear forces along the micro-channel. Quantitative velocity field images and streamline images of the silicon fluid in motion are shown. To the best of the author’s knowledge these µ-PIV measurements are the first such measurements made in self propelling bi-slugs. In addition to the velocity field results, methods for creating self propelling bi-slugs, and issues related to the challenges of achieving adequate seeding of the ethylene glycol and silicone fluid with dyed micro-spheres will be presented.
