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Advertisements; Debate Tonight; British Lieutenant Addresses Student Body; "An Indictment of Intercollegiate Athletics."; College Should Be A Fountain of Patriotism; Union Students Attend Rochester Convention; Sophomore Soiree Great Success!; New Terrace Council Rules; Teachers Wanted; Coming Vesper Service; Psi Upsilon Entertains; Musical Clubs Take Trip; Signal Corps; Big Fire at Williams; Rev. Warren P. Grant Speaks at Vespers. "The Strength of Meekness."; Meeting of Memorial Committee; A Professional Rough-Riding Academy; Publication of Handbook; 400 Volunteers at Hardvard; Basket Ball; A Merry Christmas; the Cumberland's Crew; The Evils of College Life; Smashing the Footlights; Telegram Wag; Those Barber Shop Conversations; A Word to the Wise; The Inebriate's Paragraph; "The Spires of Oxford."; At the End of the Term; An Explanation; Salutation; Vacuum Stuffing; Logical Mind; Advertisements
Publication Date
Union College
Schenectady, NY
Recommended Citation
Taylor, Richard E., "The Concordiensis, Volume 39, No 10" (1915). The Concordiensis 1915. 28.