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Advertisements; Basketball Prospects; Rosecrans Elected Football Captain; Union's Football Warriors Honored; The Soiree; Death of Mr. Paige; Paderewski Concert; Press Club; Garnet News; British Lieutenant Will Speak at Union; Local Men Invited By Ford to Stop War; To Concordiensis Readers; Dr. Richmond to Attend Union Alumni Meetings; Underclass Debaters Chosen; Cosmopolitan Club; The Parthenon; Vespers; Creble Entertains Classical Club; Sigma Xi Holds Interesting Meeting; Mr. Casey Lectures On Milk Handling; Press Club Calendars Out; English Club; Union's Newest Club Busy; Union's Newest Club Busy; Interfraternity Conference; The Old Order Changeth; Unprepared; Come, let Us Go To The Land; The Soiree; Basketball; Debate With Williams; Y.M.C.A. and the War; Actress Offers Prize; Deaths Due to Football Total is 15; The Impressario's Complaint; Smashing the Footlights; The Boomerang Smash; The Wasted Wag; Telegram Wheeze; Mighty Men of Mear and Muscle; N.Y. University Quiz Replies Queer; At the Pacifist Meeting; My Litany; Facts About the Rutgers Team; Gloom; A Fruit Stand; Some Show-Babe; On the Face Of It; Overheard In A Clothing Store; Rondeau; Rutgers And Oregon Ban B.B.; Advertisements
Publication Date
Union College
Schenectady, NY
Recommended Citation
Taylor, Richard E., "The Concordiensis, Volume 39, No 9" (1915). The Concordiensis 1915. 27.