The Concordiensis, Volume 38, No 10
H. J. Delchamps
Advertisements; The M.I.T. Game; English Club Celebrates Christmas; Allison-Foote Debate Tomorrow Night; Cornell, 24; Union, 18; An Answer To The Innocent By-Stander's Fifth Chirp; Union Defeats West Point 21-12; Plans For Junior Week; Concerning Basketball; The Allison-Foote Debate; Take In Junior Week; The Ichabod Spencer Lectures; Mission Study; Hokerk Elected President; Columbia Against Militarism; Freshmen Will Debate; The Innocent Bystander; One Recent Addition to Facultyl Hokerk's Engagement Announced; Press CLub Notes; Prexy's Dates; Three Concerts for January is Musical Club's Plan; The 1916 Garnet; Y.M.C.A. Plans Industrial Classes; Keep Them Aliens Out; Concert Course; How About It?; Innovation In Gymnasium Work; Class Basketball; Advertisements
The Concordiensis, Volume 38, No 11
H. J. Delchamps
Advertisements; Saint Lawrence Defeated 29-20; The Allison Foot Prize Debate; First League Game Will Be Played Saturday; An Unwelcome Guest; The Innocent Bystander; Junior Week Plans Becoming Perfected; Third Lecture In Ichabod Spencer Course; Why Discriminate; Something of Interest to Union Men; In Defense of the Innocent Bystander; Musical Clubs Enjoy Trip to Lansingburg; Prexy Faces Busy Month; A Communication; Track; Chemical Society; The Julia Culp Concert; Mission Study; Y.M.C.A.; War Talk; Safety First; Advertisements
The Concordiensis, Volume 38, No 12
H. J. Delchamps
Advertisements; Union Downs Williams; The Ichabod Spencer Lectures; The Anti-Grind Comes Back; Junior Prom to be the Best Ever- The Date is February 5; The Junior Prom; That Garnet; Indoor Interclass Track Meet; The Band; Interclass Basketball; Colgate Will Line Up Against Garnet Friday; Sophomore Soiree Will Be Real Live Affair; English Club; Gus Has the Floor; Electricals to Have Show; The Innocent Bystander; Alumni Notes; Chemical Society; Song for R.P.I. Union Basketball Game; Some Color Scheme; Sweer Meats; Attack on the Rear; Library Notes; The Cosmopolitan Club; Basketball Dance; Mother of Union Professor Prominent in Relief Work; Rutgers May Have Honor System; Advertisements
The Concordiensis, Volume 38, No 13
H. J. Delchamps
Advertisements; Union Takes Game From Colgate; Dr. Palmet on Tennyson; Browning by Dr.Palmer; Junior Week House Parties; Something in Advance Atempted by a Sophomore; The Electrical Show; Over The Wire; Classical Club; The Greasy Grind; The Ladies; Divorce at Dejeuner; Musical Club Render Concert in Schenectady; Travel Abroad (in New York State); Mallen Captain of Swimming; Debating Team Chosen; Junior Week Vespers; To The Festive Days; Welcome; The Colgate Game; Help!; Satan's Elegy; Phi Gams Dine; Alumni Notes; All Things to Their Places; The Innocent Bystander; Freshmen Make Debut; Sad But True; A Little Poem; Another Tragedy; A Hair Raising Romance; The Whofflepoof; On Guard!; A Questionaire at Brown; Reorgainzation of the Concordy; Languid Thoughts of a Lazy Senior; The College Man and The American; The Cost of War; From a Freshman's Diary; Dartmoyth's Winner Carnival; Princetonians to be Soldiers; Advertisements
The Concordiensis, Volume 38, No 14
H. J. Delchamps
Advertisements; Union Adds Another Victory; A Successful Junior Week; Graduate Council Active; The Innocent Bystander; Did She Want Him?; The Song of The Throng; R.P.I. Track Meet Cancelled; Louvain Prodessors on Harvard Faculty; English Club; The Honor System; Win From R.P.I.; Future Junior Weeks; The Musical CLubs; A New Union Song; Freshman Banquet Report; Freshmen Tie Sophomores; Heard At The Prom; A Passionate Tale; Kind devil Deliver Me; The Third Concert; Chemical Society; Inter-Fraternity Council; Freshman Debating Team Tryouts; Assistant Manager of Football; Junior Week Morning Service; INter-Class Basketball; The Miser; The Op' of the S.S. Punk; Advertisements
The Concordiensis, Volume 38, No 15
H. J. Delchamps
Advertisements; Union Overwhelms R.P.I.; The Musical Club Trip; 1917 and 1918 Tied; Witherspoon Concert; The Innocent Bystander; Debating Team Working; Freshmen Debaters Chosen; Lecture on U.S. Navy; Alfred Noyes Coming; Freshmen Lead Interclass Meet; Training Council; Inter-Fraternity Council; A Tragedy in Three Chapters; Promenade Report; Union to Play Williams; Keep Your Head; College Functions; Chapel Conduct; Captain Dent on The Track Situation; Ye Gentle Season Of Spring; Shake-up in Wesleyan Team; Education; Orations Class; At the Electrical Show; Twenty-Third Psalm Reversed; Eva Fay's Forecast; The 1916 Garnet; Rhymes From the RIP Vam Winkle Region; Classical Club Active; Beware-This is Serious!; Ode to College Singing; Slightly Pastoral; With Other Colleges; Difference of View Point; A Toast; Advertisements
The Concordiensis, Volume 38, No 16
H. J. Delchamps
Advertisements; Union 20, Wesleyan 18; Pace Speaking Contest; Sophomores Win Inter-Class Basketball Championship; Freshmen Win Inter-Class Track Meet; The Alfred Noyes Lecture; Cornell Debate; Chemical Society Meeting; Exchange; Wesleyan's Football Schedule Cut Down; Y.M.C.A.; English Club; Classical Club Active; Alumni Notes; Phi Beta Kappa toHold a Meeting in Albany Saturday; Swimming Team; The Inter-fraternity Conference; Exhibit for the Department of Chemistry; The Innocent Bystander; Will and Will Not; An Adventure; The Crisis in Basketball; Your Paper; A Plea for Union Trees; John Howard Payne; The Dreamer; Of Classical Interest; He Bit; As it Might Have Been; Reward of Virtue; Heard From The Hill(S); In Jackson's Garden; Electric Trix; Urbanity; Versus De Recente Ludo Pilae Cornianae; Use of Siliman Hall; Prexy's Dates; A Tale of Olden Tymes; Uncensored Advertising; Advertisements.
The Concordiensis, Volume 38, No 17
H. J. Delchamps
Advertisements; Union Defeats Princeton; Union Triumphs Over Cornell; Prexy's Dates; Wesleyan Defeated 31-10; Alumni Recently on Hill; Phi Delta Theta "Open House"; The Tennis Team; Alumni Night Committee; Final Musicale of Course Next Tuesday; Exchanges; Y.M.C.A. Notes; New Book Shelves for Library; Something of Interest; 1911 and 1912 Feed and Make Plans; Agan Will Represent Union; Swimming Team Will Meet Wesleyan March 12; Phi Beta Kappas Dine; Inter-Fraternity Conference; The Electrical Show; Lost!; why Lost?; Basketball Again; Commencement; Notice; By Way of Apology; Lost Column; Classical Club Notes; 1916 Garnet Notes; Horrors; The Innocent Bystander; Poor Frogs; Some Lost Quotations From the Sages; Senior Class Lost; Minutes of; The Way to a Man's Heart; Basketball Season to Date; The Musical Club's Season In Review; If We Only Told the Truth; War News; Precision; 1917 is Getting There; A Dilemma; The fourth Dimension; Another Ford Joke; An Expurgated Love Story; An Old One, but Good Yet.; Advertisements
The Concordiensis, Volume 38, No 18
H. J. Delchamps
Union Defeats Cp;gate, 29-15; Union Meets Andrus Club; Class Day Elections; English Club; The 1916 Garnet; Delta Phi Receives Valuabel Relic; Debating; Inter-Fraternity Smoker at Phi Delta Theta House; Stay Reader, Why Goest Thou By So Fast; Letters of a Japanese School Boy; Classical CLub; Commencement Plans; Student Dinner to be Run by Press Club; Chemical Society Initiates; Cosmopolitan Club; Sub-Freshman Day; In Parting; Our Teams; "Prexy's" Dates; A Terrrible Tale; Don't Forget; Just a Little Patience; Noyes Says Not; This Also Accounts for Rosey Cheeked Freshmen in Springtime; Exchange Wit; Wha' D'yah Mean Love?; Rushin' War News; Examination Schedule; Exchanges; "Colgate in Line for Pennant"; Press Club; You Bet; Common Sense vs. Militarism; keep off the Grass; Thisisconsolation; Advertisements
The Concordiensis, Volume 38, No 19
Richard E. Taylor
Advertisements; A Review of The Season; A Second Victory From R.P.I.; Captain Houghton; Dave Beaver; Jake Beaker; Teddy Woods; Joe Haubner; Jimmy Mudge; Tom Keating; The Second Team; Basketball and its Prospects; The Athletic Dinner; Coach Dawson on the Season; Too Early; Salutatory; Athletic Board Awards; The Electrical Show; Black Cat Banquet; The 1916 Garnet; The Northeastern Intercollegiate League Scores; English Club Election; Namur; Some Game!; All-Eternity Championship; To the Basketball Team; nobody Home; Spring Track Season; Are we Next, Honorable Faculty?; The Rockefeller Foundation Gift; Congratulations.; faculty Meet Socialy in the Gym; Classical Club Meeting; Ye Gentle Season of Spring; The Innocent Bystander; Baseball Prospects; Baskerball Captain Elected; Advertisements.
The Concordiensis, Volume 38, No 20
Richard E. Taylor
Advertisements; Old Schenectady County History; The Electrical Show; 1915 Football Schedule; Classical Club; The Engineering Courses at Union; 1916 Men Honored; Prize Essays in History; Glee Club Election; Advance Talk on a Baseball; The Coulter Memorial; Senior Greatly Honored; Moses Vinely Series; To Moses Vinely; Dancing Tea at Pres. Richmond's; Y.M.C.A. Elections; Two Book Reviews; Constitution of the Concordiensis of Union College; Prohibition at Union College; Report of the Basketball Dance Committee; Freshman-Sophomore Debate; Advertisements
The Concordiensis, Volume 38, No 21
Richard E. Taylor
Advertisements; A Plea for the Gateway; In Support of the Western Gateway; Baseball Prospects for 1915; College Scribes Convene; "Ludus Romanus"; Please!; College and Fraternity Relations at Northwestern University; Press Club Banquet; Dramatic Club May Give Play; The Western Gateway; Public safety Versus Anti-Militarism; Mr. Dalton Addresses Vespers; Coach Dawson's Baseball Book; Cannon and Culture. European Scholarships.; Hick and Gus See the Electrical Show; Belgium; Concordiensis Banquet; Found; Drastic; Chemical Society; G.F. Hall '06 to go to Mechanicville; The Vision of Light; Pluck and Luck or Whatever Comes up Must Come Down; Prexy's Dates; De Manhood in You; "Thy Will, Not Ours."; Sister Suzie's Spring Song; Thoughts on the War; College Band Names Officers; Gatewat Bill Goes to Rules; Fraternities to Have Ball League at Union College; Union College Planning for Commencement Event; Program; Advertisements.
The Concordiensis, Volume 38, No 22
Richard E. Taylor
Advertisements; Bang!; Rutgers Also is Vanquished; Mallen Swims in National Championships; Stage Appointments; The Sophomore-Freshman Debate; Explanatory; Gifts From Alumni; Chicago to Send Choir to Fair; A Good Start in Baseball; Education; Should Freshmen Wear Greem Caps?; Aeronautics at Michigan; Moses Viney Series; Girl O' My Dreams; An Infant in Church; On Your Way; Spring; Extra-Curricular Activities; The Student Body Always Did Dislike Oral Quizzes, Dean.; Our Natural Enemies; To the Proof-room; Honorary Chancellor; The Troy Game; Presidents of College Christian Associations Convene; Advertisements
The Concordiensis, Volume 38, No 23
Richard E. Taylor
Advertisements; The Game at Troy; Concordy Dinner; Tennis to Date; Inter-Fraternity Baseball; Rules and Regulations; The Peace Lecture by Hamilton Holt; Another Gift; The Athlectic Situation; College Literary Work; Inter-fraternity Baseball; Rowing Revived?; Aurora Borealis; Message From Dr.Nott; The Warrior Unjustified; Wesleyan and Amherst Resign; On Our Way. The Conventional Black (And White); Ours is a Constructive Policy; Dear Me, We Never Knew He Wrote Any; What the Well-Dressed Man Will Wear; To the Proof-Room; Our Natural Enemies; Columbia Football Ban Lifted; Exchangesl Mass. Wants State University; Wisconsin University Strictly Dry; No Objections yet Offered; College Baseball 56 Years Old; A Valuable College Course; For the Excuse Committee; Post Graduate Reading; Advertisements
The Concordiensis, Volume 38, No 24
Richard E. Taylor
Advertisements; The Colgate Game; Hamilton Weakened by Loss of Stars; New Professor Appointed to Science Department; Commencement Week; Prexy's Dates; Danner '16 Secretary of Athletic Board; Sigma Xi Elections; Prize Orators Chosen; College Spirit; Delta Phi Occupies New House; Track Team Meets R.P.I. Team Saturday; On Your Way. A Sophomore Speaker; The College Office Here Doesn't Sell; We've Been Pondering This Question, Clytie, For Two Weeks, But Without Success. At All Events, We Welcome You' Ours is a Constructive Policy; Tut, Tut, Pete: This Column is not the Home of French Farce; To The Proof-Room; What the Well-Dressed Man Will Wear; Shades of Hughie Fullerton and Old Grant Rice!; Our Natural Enemies; Gov. Charles S. Whitman on the Hill Saturday; Under-Class Debate; New Y.M.C.A. Cabinet; Two Tennis Matched This Week; Two Pictures; Inter-Fraternity Baseball; Dr. Adam Speaks in Chapel; Noted Alumnus Dead; New Books for the Library; The Coulter Memorial; The English Club; The Northeastern League Break-Up; Experienced in Drawing; Advertisements.
The Concordiensis, Volume 38, No 25
Richard E. Taylor
Advertisements; Union Opens Home Season; Moving-Up day; Moving-up Day Interclass Meet; Track Team Victorious; Tennis Team Also Wins; Dr. Ordway Speaks; Fritz's Apotheosis; Union to Have Life Saving Corps; Notice; A Victorious Day; Union's Patriotic Duty; Ours is a Constructive Policy; Below; Who Writes the "Moses Viney" Verses?; How About the Scotia Yellow Bus?; To the Proof-Room; What the Well-Dressed Man Will Wear; Our Natural Enemies; Pan Soter; Sophomore-Freshman Debate; Chemical Society Activities; Y.M.C.A.; Intercolegiate Track Meet; Extra-Clarice Has Gone!; Inter-Fraternity Baseball; The Innocent Bystander; Fraternities Entertain; Union Civil War Veterans' Record; Honor System Constitution Amended; Concordy-Garnet Game-- Maybe; Prexy's Dates; The Coulter Memorial; The Great War; Advertisements
The Concordiensis, Volume 38, No 26
Richard E. Taylor
Advertisements; A Win From Colgate; Union Lost in Thirteenth; Inter-class Track Meet; Interfraternity Conference Elects Officers; Prexy's Dates; Don't Worry; Tennis; Chemistry Club; Garnet-Concordy Game; The Terrace Council; Class Songs; Commencement; MOving-Up Exercises; The Law of Gravitation; Unconscious Compliments; Our Natural Enemies; Warning!; Prize Contest; We Trust So, We Trust So; Moses Viney Series; In Re Moses Viney; Interfraternity Baseball; Adelphics Elect; An Appeal to the Alumni; Active Interest of Undergraduates in Athletics; Advertisements
The Concordiensis, Volume 38, No 27
Richard E. Taylor
Advertisements; Rutgers- 5-2; The Middlebury Game; Victory C.C.N.Y. Here; Union Loses in R.P.I.; union Loses Stevens Game as Result of Errors; Review of Baseball Season by Captain Woods; Hummer Elected Baseball Captain; The N.Y. State Intercollegiate Track Meet; Hamilton Track Meet; Election of Track Captain; Track Awards 1915; Class Numerals Awarded for Interclass Basketball; Union College Records- Track; Life Saving Corps Established; To Organize Baseball League; Review of Union's 1914-15 Athletic Triumphs; Civil Engineers Take Inspection Trip; Important Publication by Prof.Lyon; Pan Soter; Pews for Chapel; English Club Election; Shocking; The Next to the Last Rhyme of True Thomas; Ralph Knight Elected Assistant Basketball Manager; Publication Board Elects Glenn and Mandeville; Delta Theta Phi Becomes Chapter of Lamda Chi Alpha; Union's Alumni; Hazing; The New Union Song Book; "Harmless" Hazing; English as it is Spelled; Moses Viney Series; Deceased Senior Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Beta Kappa; The Philip Spencer Case; $35,000; Prize Speaking Opens COmmencement Week; Commencement Vespers; Baccalaureate Sermon; Class Day Ecercises Under Nott Elm; 1915 Class Day Poem; Fraternity Teas; 1915 Class Song; Tennis Captain; Alumni Parade; The Alumni Dinner; Alumni Night; Mrs. Ripton's Death; Commencement; 1865; Attention!; All's Fair in Love; While There's Life There Sope; A Double Twist; A Burning Question; Certainly; Oh, These Feminists!; A review of the Track Season; Advertisements
The Concordiensis, Volume 39, No 1
Richard E. Taylor
Advertisements; Activities of the Week; Opening of Football Season; New Faculty Members; Y.M.C.A. Activities; Butterfield Memorial; Freshmen Meeting Tomorrow; Cross Country Begins Today; Thomas P. Keating; Concordy Talk; Welcome, 1919; The Campus; To the Seniors; The Coach on Football; On Your Way. To 1919; Psi U to Remodel; Debating Information; Personal; New Method of Studying "On Foot" at Columbia; Do You Believe in Signs?; Elective Compulsory Exercise; Two Semesters; New Methods of Studying "On Foot" at Columbia; Do You Believe in Signs?; Elective Compulsory Exercise; Two Semesters; Advertisements
The Concordiensis, Volume 39, No 2
Richard E. Taylor
Advertisements; The St. Lawrence Game; Advanced Dope From Williams; The Interfraternity Conference; Constitution of the Interfraternity Conference of Union College; Union Graduates Driving French War Ambulance; Sophomore-Freshman Scraps; A Word of Adcice to 1919; Football and Cheering; union Graduate Reported Killed; Governer Whitman, William Jennings Bryan and Henry Ford; Show Williams; Arrangement for the Williams Trip; Recent Union graduate Takes Chemistry Chair at Pennsylvania College; Remember; Freshmen Reception; Sunday Vesper Service; Schenectady's Health Methods Win High Praise; Students Elect New Members to Athletic Board; battle Hymn of the Copy Desk; the Blissful Days; A Mistake Somewhere; Advertisements
The Concordiensis, Volume 39, No 3
Richard E. Taylor
Advertisements; Union's Victory Over Williams; Track Team Busy; terrace Council Elections; Swimming Team; Training Council Elects Officers; Dr. Richmond to Speak; What Will You Do About It?; The Football Situation; The General Education Board Gift; A change in Library Rules; Class Elections; Baseball Manager Elected; Glee and Musical Club; Fraternity dances and Teas; Prexy's Dates; Lets Start With a Woman; hafiz's Last Lines on Relinquishing the Position of Colymn Conductor; Fireworks From Joe Beamish; A Matter of Punctuation; Our Rah-rah Type-Setters; On One Hand; On the Other Hand; Futurist Pome; The Campus Off; The World Series; Ado; Literary Contest; The Gallant Highwayman; The 1916 Terrace Council; Advertisements
The Concordiensis, Volume 39, No 4
Richard E. Taylor
Advertisements; garnet's Slate Still Clean; N.Y.U. Looks Strong; Underclass Struggles Continue; Teams Union Will Face; Last Saturday's Scores of the Teams Union faces This Season; Literary Contest; Tennis Tournaments Results; Art Announcement; Dr. Leupp Visits Union; Fraternities Clash; Debaters Conspire; ElectricLabratory; Songbirds to be Hatched; The Literary Contest; Keep Level; Death of a Union Trustee; A Matter of Puncuation; On Your Way; Smashing the Footlights; There Goes That Confounded Bell!; Freshman Peerade November Sixthl Athletic Board Designates. Tennis Team Awardl Notice, Newspaper Men; Heavens, What a Mad, Mad Wag; An Interesting Book; Godfrey, '15, Leaves For China; Sententious Sentiments; Attention Frosh; The Traitor; Advertisements
The Concordiensis, Volume 39, No 5
Richard E. Taylor
Advertisements; Burlesque Staged on Hill; New Men for Swimming Team; Plans for Tennis Tournament Completed; Von Hindenberg to Visit Union on November 6th; Pre-Medic Accidentally Shot; "Pete" Hill Inspired Quill Drivers; Pyramid Club Smokers; A Lyric; Tennis; The Football Situation; Don't Lose Hope Now; Erection of Butterfield Building Delayed; Ned Moore as a War-Baby; Editorial; We Own a Car, We Do!; Wags They Don't Mean; A Homely Argument; Hafiz Wags Again; Smashing the Footlights; Smashing Them Early; Too Bad; Shakespearean Advertising; Economical English; Originality- Have the Investigation First; The Old Master; Advertisements
The Concordiensis, Volume 39, No 6
Richard E. Taylor
Advertisements; Union Defeats Stevens 21-0; Grads Flock to Hill; Revive Dramatics; A Moral Wreck From the polytech; Soiree Date Will be Changed; Alumni Hold Meeting and Dine at Golf Club; College Enrollment Tripled Since 1890; The Hazards of Hazel; Dr. Hoffman Speaks at Vespers; O, Frosh!; Gardner's Gleeman to Sing at Spa; Chemicals Convene; Bogaskie, '16, Critically Ill; And Other Little Things; The Day; Library Receives Gifts; Union Alumnus Talks to Eiffel Tower; The Spirit of Idealism; We Want Some Songs; Dr. landreth Discusses Constitution; In the Pullman; The Third Degree; Uncovering Our Dark Past; Smashing the Footlights; Another Intemperance Quip; The Fall of leaves; Coarse Humor; Modernized Scripture; A Protuberamt Stanza; Mere Heresay; The Father of the Sport-Shirt; Are Your Troubled With Asthama?; Youth of 19 Professor at Harvard; Life; Edward Everett Hale's Life; College Enrollment Now Totals 186; Student's Volunteer for Military Drill; With Us Once Again; Advertisements
The Concordiensis, Volume 39, No 7
Richard E. Taylor
Advertisements; R.P.I. Makes Strong Stand; Rosecrans' Drop Kick Defeats Rhode Island; Songsters Make Their Bow; Classical Club to Meet; Under Classes Eat Goose Eggs in Third Battle on Gridiron; Election Day Contests; Williams Frosh Ride No More; Death of Duncan Ward; Academics and Engineering Evenly Balanced at Union College; Chemical Society Holds Successful Meeting; Gunmen Organizing at Union; on To Hamilton; Debating Relations With Williams inaugrated; A Sanctum Sanctorum; The Ballade of Ser Bonieparte; Famous Saying Modernized; this One Dies Hard; When It's Pansy Time in Oklahome; Smashing the Footlights; The Poor Engineer Was Drunk; Poor Brickley; Ad intemperance Wags; What Would Colyuming Be Without The Suffs?; Rawthah Bully, Don'tchathink?; Freshmen Yell; Final Date Chosen For Soiree; Plans For Y.M.C.A. Bible Study; Faculty Gambols With the Racquet; Musical Clubs to Sing at Capitol; Plans for Hockey Rink Formulated; Radio Club Organized; English Club Resumes Sessions; November; "Shining in the Distance the Lights of Clinton Lie; Fraternity Men Practice Terpsichorean Art; 1919 pee-Rades to Glory; Advertisements
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