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Materials related to the work of Per Moberg while employed with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, as a member of the Sierra Club and in other advisory committees spanning the years 1892 to 2009. Per O. Moberg (1920-2011) was a conservationist, licensed guide and officer of the Adirondack Mountain Club and Sierra Club.
The collection contains unit management plans and drafts, photographs, transcripts, lectures, publications, maps, meeting agendas, reports, minutes, printed materials, position papers and official correspondence dealing with environmental issues in New York's Forest Preserve. Navigability law and public navigation rights on the Moose River center on a lawsuit between the Sierra Club and the Adirondack League Club. Other projects involved abandoned railways, collecting background information on specific wilderness areas and general administration of the Park. Land acquisition documents show various easements, purchases and transfers of private land to the Forest Preserve including the Tahawus tract and Champion Lands. Correspondence is mostly of a professional nature and includes letters and emails regarding land acquisition, advisory committee work and amendments to unit management plans.
Publication Date
Winter 2020
land use planning, unit management, APA, DEC
Recommended Citation
Golebiewski, Matthew, "Per O. Moberg Papers" (2020). Finding Aids. 42.