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Peter Fish served New York State as Forest Ranger from 1969 to 1998 in the Catskills and the Adirondack High Peaks regions. (In an interview from 2008, Fish told a reporter that he had climbed Mt. Marcy 707 times.) During this time his duties included search and rescue, law enforcement, education, trail maintenance, disposition of facilities, and environmental protector of the delicate alpine High Peaks region. In cases where Ranger Fish’s judgment in search and rescue were challenged, his support from hiking clubs and individuals around the State is well documented.
The collection consists largely of correspondence between Ranger Fish and DEC administration. Topics range from recommendations on changes facilitating performance of daily duties to failures in institution-wide policies. Some photographs of Rangers and administrators along with selected maps, booklets of government regulations and park usage statistics are included in the collection. Also included are files on specific noteworthy cases involving Ranger Fish and his operations in the High Peaks. In such cases, letters in support of Ranger Fish not only contain detailed accounts of his personal interactions with hikers in the Peaks but lend insight into the role models Rangers became to generations of visitors to the Adirondacks.
Publication Date
Department of Environmental Conservation, Adirondack High Peaks, Forest Ranger
Recommended Citation
Amodeo, Margie, "Peter Fish Papers, 1969-2003" (2013). Finding Aids. 22.

Some of the material in the collection is restricted.