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The Paul Schaefer collection consists of ca. 62 cu ft of correspondence, maps, litigation manuscripts, legislative documents, pamphlets, circulars, published materials, photographic material, audio recordings, video recordings, and art prints. The collection is in good condition, however some of the material exhibits water or insect damage. The dates within the collection range from 1870 to1997, with the bulk of the collection falling between 1940 and 1997. This collection documents Schaefer's lengthy career as an environmental grass roots organizer and author, his work in home building and historic restoration projects, and his family life.
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activism, Adirondacks, Moose River, Schenectady, Niskayuna, Crane Mountain
Recommended Citation
Simkovic, Abigail, "Paul Schaefer Collection, 1870-1997" (2016). Finding Aids. 37.

The collection is open to research.