Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science


Environmental Science and Policy

First Advisor

Thomas Jewell




fracking, wastewater, natural gas, contamination


In order to prevent groundwater contamination that could potentially put millions of human’s health at risk, as well as billions of the federal government’s money on solving the problem, hydraulic fracturing needs to be heavily regulated. This will ensure that hydrofracking is being done in an environmentally responsible way by every natural gas drilling company and not just those who are willing to pay extra for systems and treatment methods that are more expensive but also more effective. The technology for treating hydrofracking wastewater has not been fully developed and would be used a lot more widely throughout the industry if there were regulations that were put in place that required companies to invest in different treatment options. Hydrofracking technology has the potential to make large amounts of natural gas available that otherwise would remain trapped below the earth. However, in order to maximize the potential benefits of hydraulic fracturing, regulations must first be put in place to encourage companies to handle their wastewater in a safe and responsible way.
