Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access


Computer Science

First Advisor

Kristina Striegnitz




HRI, Human-Robot Interaction, VALERIE


Human-Robot interaction is continually becoming more and more integrated into everyday life. This study aimed to see how meaningful eye gaze from a robot with a 2D face affects human-robot interaction when completing an object identification task. An experiment was performed to see whether directional eye gaze from a robot influences the time is takes a human participant to identify the correct shape in the correct color zone based on a verbal instruction. This was measured by comparing the mean response times across three different gaze conditions. Another goal of the study was to see if using human-like eye gaze during the introduction resulted in participants learning to use gaze cues faster. This was measured by comparing the learning curves in response times in two different introduction conditions. At the con- clusion of the experiment, participants filled out a survey to indicate how useful they felt the eye gaze was and to describe what they noticed about the gaze. The study found that congruent eye gaze (eye gaze that aligned with the verbal cue) led participants to respond faster. Human-like gaze in the introduction did not affect how quickly the participant learned to use the gaze cues.



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