Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access


Studio Fine Arts

First Advisor

Laini Nemett




Landscape Art, Oil painter, Oil paint, Plein-air, landscapes, covid art


Due to Covid, some people may have lost touch with the beauty of our environment and being outside. The use of observation and just simple looking has been neglected. My plein-air experience, which is painting from observation, has taught me to be able to look and admire the unique treasures within my environment, while allowing me to create my own. Taking photographs and being surrounded by unlimited compositions, my large scale oil paintings have been a way for me to translate the natural world around us into vibrant and serene landscapes through my own perspective. By looking and admiring the Upstate New York environment around me, I take reference pictures of nature that draw my eye in. The colorful foliage of fall and the reflections through water, to sunny snowy landscapes, the use of my bright color palette helps me bring out the secret and exciting parts of nature. Recreating these scenes of nature through oil paint and working on large scale canvases has allowed me to draw in the viewers as if they are in the spaces themselves. I include references to camera glares to connect my paintings to the fact that they are from photographs. The process of searching and looking for my compositions by capturing them through photographs plays an important role in how I create these landscapes.



Rights Statement

In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted.