Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access


Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Cherrice Traver

Second Advisor

Nicholas Webb




Robotics, Cost reduction, embedded systems, electrical engineering, computer engineering, Robot Operating System, control systems


Autonomous mapping rovers are easily one of the most useful types of systems in modern robotics. These systems operate by using sensor data to navigate through an environment and construct a map of the space for future navigation. For this project, we are specifically focusing on reducing the cost of the Turtlebot3 Burger Autonomous Mapping Rover (AMR). The Turtlebot3 uses the Robot Operating System (ROS) which is a decentralized message passing architecture. The primary function of the Turtlebot3 is mapping with the Simultaneous Mapping And Localization algorithm SLAM[5]. However, the Turtlebot3 also supports numerous upgrades and modifications. Thus our specific goal is to reduce the cost of the Turtlebot3 while maintaining ROS compliance and the base function of SLAM. To do this, we decomposed the Turtlebot3 into its individual components and identified those which can be replaced with lower cost alternatives. The primary cost reduction focused on replacing the drive architecture of the Turtlebot3. The original system uses the OpenCR1 microcontroller and two dynamixels wheel encoders for a total cost of 314$. Our chosen replacement system is an Arduino Mega and two Parallax Feedback Servos with a cost of 106.40$. This constitutes a 207.60$ reduction in our drive architecture. To maintain ROS compliance, our drive system must subscribe to and publish the same ROS messages as the original. These two primary data types are command velocity, desired system velocity, and odometry, a representation of current location and movement. In the scope of this project, we were able to verify the correct execution of command velocity but were unable to properly generate odometry due to time constraints.



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