Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


Spanish and Hispanic Studies

First Advisor

Dr. Christine Henseler


Neocolonialism, imperialism, Honduras, Garifuna, ecotourism, tourism, state terrorism


This thesis explores the role of neocolonialism and imperialist forces in the development of Honduras throughout the 20th and 21st centuries. The United States was responsible for a series of coup d’états throughout the 20th century, paving the way for conformation to western and American ideals. These included several in Honduras, opening the doors to the banana farming industry which took control of the nation for decades. Later, the Honduran economy saw a shift from agriculture to tourism to comply with the new ideals of imperialist nations. While tourism continues to be a growing part of the economy, it has had devastating effects on the Garifuna people and their land. Despite efforts to create more sustainable tourism through ecotourism, the principles of imperialism persist through the seizure of sacred land. In their protest, the Garifuna and other indigenous communities have faced extreme violence and retaliation by its government. Through the investigation of Honduran history, U.S. interventions, and personal accounts from the Garifuna people, this thesis offers a critical analysis of the tourism industry as a function of continued neocolonialism today.



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