Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science


Computer Science

First Advisor

John Rieffel




image, light, sensor, disruption, infrared


As all forms of technology become more integrated into our daily lives, personal privacy has become a major concern. Everyday devices, such as mobile phones, have surveillance capabilities simply by having a digital camera as part of the device. And while privacy and secrecy seem to go hand in hand, it is not always the case that one does not care about privacy because they have nothing to hide. For example, everything from unflattering photographs to being unknowingly and perhaps criminally surveilled, are ample reasons to desire some means of combatting the not so candid presence of digital cameras in everyday life. There is also the more casual argument of having control over one's public image. For these reasons, we propose a wearable device that offers personal privacy protection. This device should be able to detect for cameras in an area, and then disrupt the photographer's ability to capture their photo. In this project, we explored the implications of creating such a device, and evaluate which approaches to detection and disruption would be possible for such a device.
