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Open Access



Start Date

21-5-2021 9:30 AM


This is a panel discussion featuring the current Chinese 489 cohort to discuss our senior projects - which is especially important now to address the xenophobia against Asian Americans and misunderstanding and fear of China in the US. This presentation discusses the importance of examining various subjects pertaining to China (feminism, textiles, politics, and COVID) from a multilingual, multicultural perspective. It is important to have a multilingual/multicultural perspective because there is currently much anti-Asian sentiment in the US due to racism and xenophobia that stems from a fundamental lack of understanding. We have been fed a single-story about China, and now it's time to break down those barriers.

Nathalie Gullo Website


May 21st, 9:30 AM

Chinese Senior Project Discussion

This is a panel discussion featuring the current Chinese 489 cohort to discuss our senior projects - which is especially important now to address the xenophobia against Asian Americans and misunderstanding and fear of China in the US. This presentation discusses the importance of examining various subjects pertaining to China (feminism, textiles, politics, and COVID) from a multilingual, multicultural perspective. It is important to have a multilingual/multicultural perspective because there is currently much anti-Asian sentiment in the US due to racism and xenophobia that stems from a fundamental lack of understanding. We have been fed a single-story about China, and now it's time to break down those barriers.

Nathalie Gullo Website

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