Most Recent Additions*
Liberty through the looking-glass: Comparative democratic backsliding in response to the French Revolution (1789-1806)
Michael Rosenbaum
How To Unground Academic Philosophy
Rik Pulles
An Objection to Singer's Argument on Charity
Benjamin Dever-Mendenhall
Peruvian Stalagmites as Indicators of Past Climate: an investigation of MIS 8 and 9
Hailey Anne Stoltenberg
The Neoliberal Attack on Education: Burnout for Teachers and Increased Exposure to Student Food Insecurity Amid COVID-19 in Low-Income School Districts
Julia Callan Rybicki
A Novel Design of the Endotracheal Tube Bite Guard and Fixation System: The Bite Hero
Luke Musselman, Jia Wei, Zoe Watson, and Kate Fein
Tissue Retractor for Open Ventral Hernia Surgery
Joshua Kent, Hung Pham, Conor McVey, and Melanie Baker
Non-Invasive, Acute Treatment of Supraventricular Tachycardia for Pediatric Patients
Abigail Goyette, Alicia Slavit, Melissa Murphy, and Sarah Zukowski
Revolutionizing Cleft Palate Repair: A Novel Approach to Head Stabilization
Nathaniel Boule, Paige Kent, Brynne Rush, and Rebecca Laventure
Aerogel Window
Tingwei Ao
Exploring Intimate Partner Violence Among 18-24-year-olds During COVID-19: A Clinical Perspective
Lily Walker Money
Psychological Ownership and Insecure Adult Attachment
Alina Whiteside
Where did the time go? Using time judgment tasks as a predictor for adult ADHD
Travis Joseph Rathwell
The Effect of Religiosity, Partisanship, and Identity-Seeking Behavior on Political Engagement
Jackson Giammattei
The Impact of Weight and Race on Perceptions of Anorexia Nervosa
Olivia R. Brand and Catherine Walker
*Updated as of 02/28/25.