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<Adirondack Journal of Environmental Studies
ISSN 1075-0436
Call for Submissions – Volume 26 of AJES. The Adirondack Journal of Environmental Studies (AJES) is now accepting submissions for Volume 26. Deadline for submissions is April 15, 2023. For Volume 26 we plan a special focus on social issues facing the ADKs, but will also welcome articles of a broad disciplinary or interdisciplinary scope including topics in natural and social sciences, arts and humanities related to the region, or of more general environmental interest.
Submissions can be in any of the following categories: Scholarship, Commentary, Student Work, or Spotlight on Adirondack Archives. The latter category is designed to help connect ADK researchers with those organizations with important research collections. We invite libraries, historical societies, museums and other research institutions to submit brief highlights of their archives, especially articles showcasing particular gems in their collections for the Spotlight section.
AJES is a peer-reviewed journal jointly produced through a collaborative partnership of the Adirondack Research Consortium and Union Collage. It exists to foster a dialogue about the broad range of issues that concern or relate to the Adirondacks and Northern Forest. AJES serves to bridge the gaps among academic disciplines and among researchers and practitioners devoted to understanding and promoting the development of sustainable communities, both human and wild. The journal purposefully avoids serving as a vehicle for any single or special point of view. To the contrary, AJES welcomes contributions representing a variety and a broad spectrum of perspectives.
To submit an article for consideration, follow the Submit Article link on the left. Past issues of AJES are also available at this website.
If you have any questions, contact Doug Klein, Executive Editor and Director of the Kelly Adirondack Center at Union College or Dan Fitts, Executive Director of the Adirondack Research Consortium.

Ephemeris, the Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy
ISSN 2693-0099
Ephemeris, the Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy is an undergraduate journal of philosophy dedicated to harvesting exceptional undergraduate writing grounded in the distinct value and interest of the philosophical endeavor. Since its founding in 2001, Ephemeris, the Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy has published contributions from students from across the nation and the world; a recent issue included work from students in Holland, the UK and Canada. Our journal is run by students, who evaluate the contributions and select the best for publication. Contributions are solicited in all areas of philosophy, including metaphysics, ethics, political theory, epistemology, feminist philosophy, philosophy of race, eastern philosophy, philosophy of mind, and more.
Papers should be no longer than 6000 words; average length is about 5000 words.
Submissions for 2023 issue of Ephemeris due January 6th
Please review the Submission Agreement
.See the Formatting and Some Guidelines
Submit by email Email Submission