The Idol
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The content of this issue is the result of a writing competition sponsored by the Idol - an idea partly stemming from a desire to include the campus in the publication and a curiosity on our parts to see what interest writing holds for the campus community. We were pleased by the overwhelming response the contest drew. Over twenty-five pieces of fiction together with nearly sixty poems were considered. Needless to say, the process of narrowing down, and finally selecting the best was a necessarily difficult one, particularly given the inevitable differences between six human judges. To reinforce our powers of objectivity we asked those entering to submit material under pseudonyms. In many cases these names were as enjoyable as the works they represented, so we are sharing them with you in the table of contents. We would like to thank each person who took the trouble to lay their work on the line in this contest.
Publication Date
Spring 1974
Union College
Schenectady, NY
Recommended Citation
Howard, Jean, "The Idol, 1974" (1974). The Idol. 48.