"The Idol, 1993 (2)" by Glenn T. Konopaske

The Idol



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One facet of Union College's esteemed past is the Union College Idol. Its purposes, quoted from the Idol's constitution, are "1) to encourage creative endeavors by students in literary and visual arts, and 2) to promote an awareness and appreciation of the literary and visual arts by methods and means not ordinarily available in the classroom setting...." The Idol has become a tradition at Union, one begun in 1928. At that time William J. Gelseichter was Editor-In-Chief and the subscription was $1.00 per semester. Both the Idol and the college have changed drastically - the only constant is their strive for excellence. Therefore, to commemorate 65 years of the Idol, a poem by John Luskin, Class of 1929, has been included in this issue. This poem, "Simplicity", appeared in the first issue of the Idol on February 17, 1928.

Publication Date

Spring 1993


Union College


Schenectady, NY

The Idol, 1993 (2)



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