The Idol
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This issue is the 76th edition of the Idol. Many people say that things change over time. Like Union, Idol also changes. Every year the editors experiment with different designs and layouts to further the creativeness contained within the Idol's pages. This year we experimented with graphics on the pages and changed the front.
Although creative changes are implemented, the purpose of the Idol does not change. This publication serves as a point for creativity and the ability to share it to the community. Union is a community whose members share many different talents, in and outside the classroom. Unfortunately, sometimes talents get little attention. We strive to change this to enable students and the faculty alike to express themselves. In times of peace and in times of war expression is a way for people to deal with the world around them. Our main goal is two-fold: to show the Union community how talented and diverse we are and to give individuals a foothold to furthering their interests.
Publication Date
Spring 2003
Union College
Schenectady, NY
Recommended Citation
Sage, Peter, "The Idol, 2003" (2003). The Idol. 12.