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As summer arrives every year, the most awaited day, the 4th of July brings friends and families together to either parks or backyards for a barbeque cook-off. Besides inhaling the juicy smell of BBQ as it is being prepared, the residents of Astoria in Queens, New York, also inhale polluted air released from an oil burning power station, nearby. According to HuffPost, Ravenswood Generating Station and The Astoria Generating Station located in northwestern Queens provides nearly half the city’s electricity by burning number 6 fuel oil, which is considered one of the most polluting energy sources in the world. The city council passed a law in 2015 that requires the power stations in the city to eliminate number 6 and number 4 fuel oils by 2020 and 2030, respectively, due to the serious health risks associated with these oils.
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"Eastern Power Generation Company." Eastern Power Generating Company, Astoria Comments,
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Chalise, Sajju, "Astoria is tired of nickname: "Asthma Alley"and Is calling for Clean Electricity" (2019). 2019 Op-Eds. 9.