Charles Proteus Steinmetz Papers
Submissions from 1983
Charles Steinmetz Stamp from 1983 20c Stamps Honoring American Inventors, United States Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Submissions from 1923
Industrial Cooperation Possible Editorial, 1923, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Our Civilization, 1923, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Our Industrial Age, Possible Editorial, Copy 1, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Our Industrial Age, Possible Editorial, Copy 2, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
The Odes of Horace as Freshman Latin, Possible Editorial, 1923, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Submissions from 1922
Correspondence to Ernest Caldecott regarding the Possible Editorial "Industrial Cooperation" from Steinmetz, 1922, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Electrification of Russia with pencil marks, 1922, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
The Economic and Esthetic Aspects of the Water Power Development of New York State, Possible Editorial, 1922, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
The Place of Religion in Modern Scientific Civilization, Sermon Given by Charles Steinmetz, 1922, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Submissions from 1921
Correspondence from Editorial Rooms, Harper's Magazine, April 1921, Lee Foster Hartman
Correspondence from Editorial Rooms, Harper's Magazine, June 1921, Lee Foster Hartman
Correspondence from Editorial Rooms, Harper's Magazine, November 1921, Lee Foster Hartman
Correspondence from Editorial Rooms, Harper's Magazine, September 1921, Lee Foster Hartman
Correspondence to Lee Foster Hartman of Harper's Magazine from Steinmetz, July 1921, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
From Competition to Cooperation by Steinmetz, dated July 19, 1921, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
From Competition to Cooperation by Steinmetz, with cover, dated July 22, 1921, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Science and Religion, Possible Editorial, August 4, 1921, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Science and Religion, Possible Editorial, November 1921, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Science and Religion, Possible Editorial with handwritten notes, August 4, 1921, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
What is Socialism, Possible Editorial, Draft, July 11, 1921, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
What is Socialism, Possible Editorial with Abstract, July 18, 1921, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Submissions from 1920
Portrait of Charles Steinmetz with his Signature, Unknown
Submissions from 1919
Memorandum on Invention and Development, 1919, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Socialism and Invention, Possible Editorial, 1919, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Submissions from 1918
Correspondence between David E. Goe and Charles Steinmetz, April 26, 1918, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Correspondence to F.C. Pratt about Laboratories, 1918, Unknown
Mobilizing Niagara, 1918, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Submissions from 1917
Cooperation, with edits, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
The Importance of National Unity, Possible Editorial with Edits, 1917, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
The Monroe Doctrine, Possible Editorial, 1917, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Submissions from 1916
Correspondence from Victor Ridder to Charles Steinmetz, 1916, Victor Ridder
Possible Editorial on the American President by Steinmetz, 1916, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Preparedness, Militarism and War, Possible Editorial, Copy 1, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Preparedness, Militarism and War, Possible Editorial, Copy 2, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Text of a Speech Given by Steinmetz at the Tenth Anniversary of the Illuminating Engineering Society to Indtroduce Thomas Edison as a Speaker, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
The Map of Europe after the War, Possible Editorial, 1916, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
The Wealth of America, National Editorial, 1916, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Submissions from 1915
American Potash Famine, Editorial for the National Editorial Service with Correspondence, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Brief Note Regarding Einstein's Theory of Relativity, probably suggested editorial for the National Editorial service, 1915, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Brief Note Regarding Electricity and Civilization, probably suggested editorial for the National Editorial service, 1915, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Brief Note Regarding Lightning, probably suggested editorial for the National Editorial service, 1915, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Charles Steinmetz's Views on the German Point of View of WWI, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Comments on Edison, with Pencilled in note, "For N.Y. Times, Sunday Ed.", Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Conservation, with edits, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Correspondence from Charles Henry Davis to Steinmetz, 1915, Charles Henry Davis
Correspondence from Steinmetz to Arturo Giovannitti, February 1915, unsigned, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Correspondence from Steinmetz to Charles Henry Davis, 1915, with edits and unsigned, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Discussion of "Fixation of Atmospheric Nitrogen" by Leland L. Summers by Steinmetz, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Industrial Cooperation Possible Editorial with Extracts from Two Addresses by Steinmetz, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Industrial Cooperation, Speech Given in Philadelphia, PA, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
International Law and the War Possible Editorial, 1915, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Our National Defense, Possible Editorial, Copy 1, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Our National Defense, Possible Editorial, Copy 2, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Presentation of the Civic Forum Medal to Edison, May 5, 1915, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Presentation of the Civic Forum Medal to Edison, May 6, 1915, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Socialism and the War, Possible Editorial, 1915, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
The European War and The American Nation by Steinmetz, Possible Editorial, 1915, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
The Higher Duty of the United States, Possible Editorial, July 21, 1915, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
The Influence of the War on Invention by Steinmetz, Possible Editorial, 1915, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
The Open Door in China, handwritten draft, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
The Open Door in China, Possible Editorial, 1915, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
The People's War and the International, Possible Editorial, 1915, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
The Submarine, Possible Editorial, 1915, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
The Value of the Classics in Modern Education, Possible Editorial, Date Unknown, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Trusts and Corporations, Possible Editorial, 1915, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
War or Arbitration, Possible Editorial, 1915, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
What is Electricity, Possible Editorial With Suggested Illustrations, Date Unknown, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Why America Though Officially Neutral Appears to be Pro-English, for the National Editorial Service, 1915, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Submissions from 1914
Industrial Cooperation Possible Editorial, 1914, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Our Industrial System, Possible Editorial, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Submissions from 1906
A Heavy Vapor Turbine, handwritten, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Submissions from 1905
Correspondence from Chas. G. Curtis to E.W. Rice, Jr., February 27, 1905, Chas. G. Curtis
Correspondence from E.W. Rice Jr., to Chas. G. Curtis, March 3, 1905, Edwin W. Rice Jr.
Submissions from 1904
Check for $399.14 from Charles Steinmetz to J.H. Piernardi, Charles Proteus Steinmetz