The Concordiensis, Volume 35, No 10
Frederick S. Harris
Advertisements; Inability to score fouls gives game to Rochester; Cosmopolitan Club; Two Games Scheduled with R.P.I; The First Musical; Pyramid Club Dance; Renewed Relations with R.P.I; Go To The Prom; The Literary Contest; Mission Classes Organized, Alumni Items; Debating Tryouts; Preparations For The Prom; Report of Freshman Parade; The Prize Contest; Delta Upsilon Entertain; Basketball Schedule; Wireless in Laboratory; Sophomore Soiree; Coulter Winss English Prize; Coaches Dawson and Weikle Busy During The Holidays; Union Anthem; Dramatic Club; Y.M.C.A. Deputation; Electrical Engineering Lectures; Musical Clubs; Gift To Library; Advertisements
The Concordiensis, Volume 35, No 11
Frederick S. Harris
Advertisements; St. Lawrence and Rochester are Victors Over The Garnet; Hon, Cornelius A. Waldron; Robert E. Speer To Speak At Unveiling of Tablet; Will Carleton Stories; Junior Week Preparations Are Rapidly Progressing; Union Defeats St. Lawrence In Debate Held At Canton; President Richmond Has Many Engagements Ahead; New Books In Library; Underclass Basketball; Musical Clubs Trips; Plans For Commencement Week Are Now Under Way; Athletic Carnival At Troy; Spring Football Practice; Suggestions Concerning Class Organization; Advertisements
The Concordiensis, Volume 35, No 12
Henry A. Schermerhorn
Advertisements; Williams And M.I.T Are Defeated By The Garnet; The M.I.T Game; Junior Class Basketball Team Defeats Oneonta High; The Lake George Trip; Junior Week Festivities Will Begin February 8th; Winning Pace in Basketball; The Knocker Incarnate; Dr. Munsterberg Begins Series of Eight Lectures; Prof. Stoller Tells of Geological Formations; Day of Prayer Service; Constitution Amendments Proposed For Honor System; $5,000 ToWards Gym; Union Basketball Schedule; College Men as Writers; Athletic Board Meets; Three Kinds of Reporters; Advertisements
The Concordiensis, Volume 35, No 13
Henry A. Schermerhorn
Advertisements; Junior Week Greetings; A Human Paradox; Sophomore Soiree Ushers In Junior Week Festivities; Musical Club Concert In High School Auditorium; Many Things Planned For Last Day of Junior Week; Alumni Notesl; Dr. Munsterberg Lectures; Mayor Gaynor's Taste; Union College; Extracts From Letters in Regard To Union's Birth; Junior Week Daffydils; Union Basketball Schedule; Advertisements
The Concordiensis, Volume 35, No 14
Henry A. Schermerhorn
Advertisements; Debating Team That Defeated Cornell; Missionary Centennial Observed; Union Defeats Rochester But Loses To Wesleyan; Opportunity For Students; "A Night Off" By Union's Dramatic Association; Y.M.C.A Notes; Union Men In Troy Meet; A Correction; Union-Cornell Debate as Viewed by Local Press; Reports Upon Forestry For The College Library; "Prom" Committee Report; Telfer Elected; Rules For Dancing; The "Gym" Is Coming; Our President Busy; If We Believe In Signs; Armon Spencer; Another Union Poet; Band Concerts Soon; Jeffers Granted Suspended Sentence In Trophy Case; New Books At Library; Advertisement
The Concordiensis, Volume 35, No 15
Frederick S. Harris
Advertisements; Garnet Five Victors Over Pratt Quintet; Series of Talks By Ralph B. Colson; The Junior's Reminiscences; Officers Nominated; Alumni Hold Dinner At Mohawk Golf Club; Dr. Kellogg Addresses Cosmopolitan Club; Dr. Cady Lectures; "A Night OFF" At Van Curler; Concordiensis Board To Be Elected March 4th; The Freshman Rules; The Psychology Lectures; Alumni Notes; Our College Band; Dr. Munsterberg Gives Lectures; Hamilton and Colgate Debates; Interclass Basketball; T'oy Meet; The 1912 Football Rules; Advertisements
The Concordiensis, Volume 35, No 16
Henry A. Schermerhorn
Advertisements, Union 50 -- N.Y.U. 7; Harris Elected Editor of The Concordiensis; Dramatic Club Scores Hit In Second Annual Production; Colleges That will Get Best Athletic Material; Senior Class Committees; Y.M.C.A. News; Charles H.F Reilly; New Coaching System; Strains Supply Spirit; Financial Report of Band; Schenectady Alumni Dine; Psychology Lecture; Advertisements
The Concordiensis, Volume 35, No 17
Henry A. Schermerhorn
Advertisements; Union Easily Victorious Over Colgate Team; Finley Elected President of Christian Association; Reed To Coach Union?; Princeton's Press Plans; Courses in Journalism; Does Not Union Need A Course In Journalism?; Alumni Favor Course In Journalism At Union; Apology Due Our Readers; Favors College Journalism; Authorities On Journalism Advocate CVollege Training; Journalism At Syracuse; Chair of Journalism At St. Lawrence Possible; Current Events Club Here; Wireless and Journalism; Chair of Journalism; Ralph B. Colson Gives First of Series of Talks; Library Note; Baseball Practice Has Been Started; Advertisements
The Concordiensis, Volume 35, No 18
Frederick S. Harris
Advertisements; Annual Snowball Scrap Takes Place On Campus; Professor Lomax of Texas Lectures on Cow-Boy Songs; Musical Clubs Will Hold Many Concepts; Dr. Ellery Appointed Member of Reception Committee; Winning Tennis Team is Present Prospect; English Club Holds Interesting Meetings; News of The Alumni; Senior Class Elects Commencement Officers; The Gladiator; There's A Reason; Press Club Meets; The Aim of the New Board; The Basketball Season; Many New Books Added To Library; Junior Dinner Committee; Baseball Outlook Bright; Track Team Practicing For Coming Meets; Summary of Successful 1912 Basketball Season; Black Cat Society Holds First Election; Dr. Richmond's Engagements; Advertisements
The Concordiensis, Volume 35, No 20
Frederick S. Harris
Advertisements; Union Will Probably Have Winning Nine; Pageant For Benefit Of New Gymnasium; Princeton Man Chosen For Permanent Coach; Junior and Sophmore Oratorical Contests; Shepard To Be General Secretary; Interesting Experience on Deputation Trip; Elihu Root May Be Honorary Chancellor; Senior Class Committees; The Snowball Scrap; An Old union Custom; Prof. Callan Lectures On Architecture; Cornell Adopts No-Treat System; Black Cat Society Will Hold Dinner; Mr. Holt Will Speak; News of the Alumni; Track News; The 1913 Garnet; Dr. And Mrs. Richmond Give Reception; Union College Musical Clubs Itenerary 1912; Press Club Meets; Interclass Bastketball Games For Joseph Trophy; Dr. Richmond's Engagements; Advertisements
The Concordiensis, Volume 35, No 21
Frederick S. Harris
Advertisements; Union's Victory Over Tufts Begins Baseball Season; Sub-Freshman Day Expected To Be Big Success; Press Club Will All Athletic Programs; Marcon Will Visit Union; Dr. John Lewis March A Marine Hero; New Wireless Station In Working Order; Examinations for ALexander Scholarship; Musical Clubs Have Very Successful Trip; Black Cat Enjoys Talk On Socialism; Geological Bulletin By Dr. Stoller; A Good Beginning; Tennis Tax; Attitude in CHapel; The News Department; Socialist Club; Hamlet's Soliloquy On First; New Fraternity House On College Campus; Elaborate Plans Arranged For Commencement Week; New Books Ordered For College Library; Press Club Holds Election and Banquet; History of Union's Songs; College Meeting; Advertisements
The Concordiensis, Volume 35, No 22
Frederick S. Harris
Advertisements; Program of The Pageant; Academics Triumph Over Engineers in Double Header; Committees Appointed For Sub-Freshmean Day; Musical Clubs Entertain At CanaJoharie and Fort Plain; Sophomore Committees; Famed Sons of Old Union; College Meeting; Dr. Hoffman Speaks At Vesper Service; Sub-Freshman Day; The Terrace Songs; Fairness Cowards Busines Men; Union Alumni Association Dine At Ten Eyck; The Junior Class; English Club Doings; Scores of Union's Opponents; A Modern View of Socrates' Death; Honor Men of Class 1912; News of The Alumni; Advertisements
The Concordiensis, Volume 35, No 23
Frederick S. Harris
Advertisements; Middlebury Wins Close Game From Union; Union Defeated By Rochester; Notice; Senior Examination Schedule; Brown Victorious Over Garnet; Press Club Committees Appointed; Famed Sons of Old Union; No Treat System at Union; Albany Trip for Astronomy Class; History of Terrace Council; Great Interest In Northfield; Honor Men of Class 1912; Athletic Board Elections; Dr. Lunn Will Address Black Cat Society; Scores of Union's Opponents; Advertisements
The Concordiensis, Volume 35, No 24
Frederick S. Harris
Advertisements; Union Loses Two Games; No Trat System Unanimously Adopted By Students; Hamilton Wins Meet; Examination Scheedule For Spring Term; Dr. Richmond's Engagements; Mr. Owen Johnson's Prize Offer; The Christian Association Cabinet; The Students' part in Pageant; Prize Comptetition for Union Men; Harold Stanton Vroman, 1925 Dies In Ellis Hospital; Union Awaits The Arrival of Many Sub Freshmen; Commencement Reunion Plans To Be Completed Soon; Sigma XI Members; Famed Sons of Old Union; Dr. William M. Sloane Chosen Honorary Chancellor; Senior Class Song; Eagles Mere Conference; Advertisements
The Concordiensis, Volume 35, No 25
Frederick S. Harris
Advertisements; Union 15, N.Y.U. 8 ; Sub Freshman Day a Distinct Success in Every Respect; Champions For Season 1912; New Course In Forestry; Track Team Trip To Rome; College Band Elections; Last Concert of Season Held In Schencetady Hight School; Union Delegates to Northfield Select Pleasant Camp Grounds; Juniors Victorious in Interclass Track Meet; Famed Sons of Old Union; Advertisements
The Concordiensis, Volume 35, No 26
Frederick S. Harris
Advertisements; Union 62 -- Trinity 55; Union Loses Game To Rutgers By 10-2 Score; Prospective Football Men Have Small Turnout; Last English Club Meeting Proves Very Interesting; Vaughan Elected Assistant Manager of Basketball; Black Cat Elects Officers; What Boots It?; Union University At Albany; Famed Sons of Old Union; Coeducation; Extemporaneous Prize Debate; Scintillating Wit; Athletic Board Of Union College; Alumni News; Advertisements
The Concordiensis, Volume 35, No 27
Frederick S. Harris
Advertisements; Union 14, Hamilton 4 ; Union Wins From Rutgers In Season's Fastest Game; Union Drops Game to Colgate by 8-5 Score; Union 7, Stevens 4 ; Union 13, Alumni 12; Dr. Richmond Delivers Baccalaurate Sermon; Alumni Vesper Service; Senior Ball; La Barron Track Captain; Tiedman Elected Member Of Publication Board; Pageant Increases Gymnasium Fund to $65,000; Union University At Albany; Next Year's Concordiensis; Alumni Parade; The One Hundred and Sixteenth Commencement; Class Day Exercises And Other Attractions of Monday; Seven Men Elected Members of Phi Beta Kappa; Advertisements;
The Concordiensis, Volume 36, No 1
Frederick S. Harris
Advertisements; Amherst Aggies 0, Union 0; Garnet Eleven Takes Fast Game From Hobart; Kappa Beta Phi; Sophmore Class Elections; Junior Class Elections; Communication; Lunch Room On Hill; Union Laments Loss of Professor Boss. Prize Cup For Seniors; Senior Elections; Change in Curriculum; Changes In Concordiensis; Alumni Notes; Dramatic Club; Bull Moose Club; Debaters Begin Work; Musical Clubs Active; Assistant Managers Chosen; English Club; New Faculty Members; Personals; $100 Prize For Essay On International Peace; Speakers in Chapel; Notice; Champagne; Advertisements;
The Concordiensis, Volume 36, No 2
Frederick S. Harris
Advertisements; Union Wins Close Game From Worvester Tech; Underclass Athletics; Cross Country Situation; An Announcement: Union Men Take Rhodes Scholarship Examinations; The Band; Freshman Pageant Committeee; Vesper Service; The Musical Clubs; Notice; Cheer, Boys, For Union; Garnet Board Election; Lectures By Dr. Rudolf Eucken; Lectures by Rev. Herbert H. Henson; Personals; Students To Sign Honor System Constitution; Fraternity Fuctions; Honor Court Election; Alumni Notes; New Educational Building; Glee Club; Poets Wanted; Advertisement
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