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Advertisement; "Inside Information."; Prohibition club; Black Cat; Dr. Swart Will Speak; Musical Clubs; The Lion And The Male; Cornell Debaters Win; 1916-17 Debaters Picked; On Marriage VII; In Argumentation; In Calculusl In Chemistry; In Arborology; In History; In Anatomy; The Joys And Sorrows Of The Section Gang; Third Psychology Lecture; Fourth Psychology Lecture; Matrimonial Mathematics; "The Marriage Market"; Press Club; Dr. Hoffman Ill; College Play Assured; Not Due To Snow Storm; Sometimes It Is; Raison D'etre; Please; Maybe Wiliams Can Tell!; Evidently Not Married; Wesleyan Noses Out Victory; Get The Cage Before The Bird; The Irreverent Cynic; Brooklyn "Polytec" Defeated; Not Clear; Then She Took Him; The Woes Of A Married Man; Y.M.C.A. Elections; The Konkordee Matrimonial Agency; Striking; Feed The Brute; Sour; Lead Poisining; In Jackson's Garden; Advice To The Lovelorn; Geologically Speaking; Sanitary; The Unemployed- Why?; Student Volunteers Meet; Tennyson Revised; Looks That Way; Tip To Transgressors; Flagrant Case; Caught; Only One Danger; More "Inside Information"; Three; Advertisement
Publication Date
Union College
Schenectady, NY
Recommended Citation
Hitchcock, H. Herman, "The Concordiensis, Volume 37, No 16" (1914). The Concordiensis 1914. 7.