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Advertisement; To The Ladies; Soiree Opens Festivities; Chemistry Lecture; Dr. McElroy Speaks; Football Schedule; Prom Tomorrow Night; Musical And Dramatic Clubs; Spencer Lecture To Begin Soon; At The House Party; Many House Parties On Hill; Board Of Censorship; The Knave Of Hearts; To Our Guests; Williams Wins Whirlwind Game; Willaims Concert In Chapel; Prexy Preaches Postprandially; With The Y.M.C.A.; Welcome! Welcome!; What A Farce; Staff Artist; Different Points of View; Invocation; Shideen O' Morasses; What A Farce!; The Freshmen's Dirge; Take Heed!; The Joys And Sorrows Of The Section Gang; Alumni Interest Aroused; 1961-1917 Debate Assured; Advertisement
Publication Date
Union College
Schenectady, NY
Recommended Citation
Hitchcock, H. Herman, "The Concordiensis, Volume 37, No 14" (1914). The Concordiensis 1914. 5.