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Advertisements; Garnet Downs Blue; Interfraternity Council; Post-Season Reflections; Concerning The Management; The Clean Slate; A Correction; Remarks From The Coach; Alumni Rally; Alpha Delta Phi Entertainments; Who Scored The 121 Points; To Those of Lesser Fame; New York Tribune Comments on Season; Steve Story's Impressions of the Football Season; Basketball; Indoor Track; That Swimming Team; Musical Clubs; Y.M.C.A. Activitiesl The Wall of an Academic; In War Times; Some Abbreviations and Their Menaings; The Dietican's Diet; The Innocent Bystander; Freshman Peerade Declared Great Success; Why Doesn't Dome Again Try It?; Advertisements
Publication Date
Union College
Schenectady, NY
Recommended Citation
Delchamps, H. J., "The Concordiensis, Volume 38, No 7" (1914). The Concordiensis 1914. 25.