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Advertisements; Union, 20; Worcester Tech., 0; Dr. Breg Lectures to A.I.E.E.; Freshmen and Sophoores to Battle Hard im Election Day Contests; The Cosmopolitan Club; The Lavolta of the Damned; Munsterberg Quits to Save Harvard's Millions; Sophs Again Victorious on Gridiron; Doings of the Classical Club; Headline in Local Paper; To the Freshmen; On To Troy; Freshmen Peerade; Freshman Fables; Y.M.C.A. Notes; Her Eyes; A Problem; Classified Ads; From Our War Correspondent; Rifle Shooting as a College Sport; Electrical Labratory News; Excerpts From the Revised Classical (?) Dictionary; In Logic; How to Rid Your House of Rats; In London; Advertisements
Publication Date
Union College
Schenectady, NY
Recommended Citation
Delchamps, H. J., "The Concordiensis, Volume 38, No 4" (1914). The Concordiensis 1914. 22.