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Advertisements; Centennial of Erection of North and South College; Prexy Speaks to Historical Association; Alumni Notes; Who's Who in the Honorary Societies; Adelphics to Public History; The Biglow Memorials; Union Team Proves Strength; Senior Class Completes Election of Officers; Locating It; Sophomores to Battle Freshmen on Gridiron Tomorrow; What Won the Game?; With the Musical Clubs; The Pajama Parade; Captain Newton Feels Hopeful For Cross-Country Team; Classical Club Holds Initial Meeting; Dum-Dum Bullets- What Are They?; From One Who Knows; The Freshmen and the Faculty; Cupid Again Makes Successful Charfe Upon 1915's Ranks; Freshmen Fables; Press Club; Fraternity Pledges; Of the Two Evils; Join the Y.M.C.A.; With the Y.M.C.A.; Kappas Defeat Delts; Honor Court Organized; The Season Thus Far; Some of Saturday's Scores; Freshmen Greetings; Advertisements
Publication Date
Union College
Schenectady, NY
Recommended Citation
Delchamps, H. J., "The Concordiensis, Volume 38, No 2" (1914). The Concordiensis 1914. 20.