Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Blue lupine growing conditions affect leaf nutritional quality for an endangered butterfly, Rivka B. Fidel
Neural basis of visually evoked head and electrically evoked wing movements in dragonflies, Natalie M. Grome
Differences in stress and cortisol between student athletes and student non-athletes, Ann K. Keller
Progress towards the construction of a “knockout-ready” strain of the mushroom fungus Schizophyllum commune, Nikhil A. Kothari
The investigation of the function of plasma membrane domains in follicle stimulating hormone signal transduction, Meredith H. Nearpass
An analysis of the parasite communities of New York gray squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) and Eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus), Kathleen E. O'Connor
Relation of microdomain residency to the function of the follicle stimulating hormone receptor, John D. Peters
Developmental regulation of caspases during death and regeneration events in an invertebrate chordate, Leah D. Robison
Quality versus quantity : serum AMH levels predict oocyte viability and pregnancy success in female IVF patients, Genevieve St. Hilaire
Spatial and temporal limits of visual neurons that control flight in the dragonfly, Jacqueline M. Tuthill
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Federal oversight of dietary supplements : analysis of Chinese herbal supplement Shi Wei Bai Du Tang, Jillian P. Bannister
A baiting technique to reduce the prevalence of raccoon roundworm in Alleghany Woodrat habitat, Daniel G. Bowden
Disordered eating patterns and behaviors in Union female first-year and fourth-year students, Amy Caron Gold
Investigating the role of a metacaspase in the mushroom fungus Schizophyllum commune, Alyssa Rachel Goldberg
The melanocortin-1 receptor gene (mc-1r) and color polymorphism in plethodon cinereus, Carly Jean Hyatt
Investigating the role of cyclic AMP signaling in mushroom development in the split gill fungus, Schizophyllum commune, Colette Elizabeth Lou Hyatt
Developmental regulation of putative phagocyte receptor genes during the asexual budding cycle of an ancestral chordate, Megan Elizabeth Kaknis
Does the removal of invasive nitrogen-fixing black locust in a pine-oak community ensure a successful return to pre-invasion soil characteristics?, Kyle Charles Kesel
Analysis of the cellular uptake of a novel cell penetrating peptide and peptoid, Maria-Claire Pietak
A 3-dimensional model of bryophyte canopy light interaction, Zachary M. Portman
The effect of methotrexate on the cortisol levels relative to adrenocorticotropic hormone levels in rheumatoid arthritis patients in relation to clinical efficacy, Halley Paresh Vora
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Effects of gravidity on jump performance in the American Locust (Schistocerca americana), Kaitlin M. Arntzen
Evidence of pools as refugia in a healthy Connecticut River., Kerry E. Bannon
Growth within an instar reduces jumping performance In American locusts (schistocerca Americana), Bridget M. Duffy
Probing human follicle stimulating hormone receptor interactions with caveolin, Jessica L. Rosenblum
Temporal correlation of target-selective neuron activity in the dragonfly visual system, Stephanie C. Seeman
Three-dimensional reconstruction of prey-capture-neuron receptive fields in dragonflies, David S. Shulman
Phagocyte localization and function during organismal apoptosis and regeneration in botryllus schlosseri, Lea M. Vedder