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In 1939 John S. Apperson purchased Dome Island on Lake George to protect it from development and preserve it. He agreed to donate the Island to the Nature Conservancy provided an endowment fund could be raised. The idea was initiated by Dr. Alvin G. Whitney, retired from the New York State Museum and founder of the New York Chapter of the Nature Conservancy. On December 13, 1956, John S. Apperson executed the deed conveying Dome Island to the Nature Conservancy. A maintenance fund of $20,000 accompanied this gift with the stipulation that it be used expressly for the Island’s protection, scientific study, and education. (Shares of General Electric stock from Irving Langmuir were also donated to the fund.)
The nature of the relationship between the DIMS and TNC is well documented. Correspondence includes a defense of Apperson’s decision to donate the land to TNC as opposed to the State of New York, proposed deed provisions, and discussions of research projects on the Island.
Publication Date
Lake George, New York Chapter of the Nature Conservancy
Recommended Citation
Amodeo, Margie, "Dome Island Memorial Sanctuary Records, 1916-1995" (2013). Finding Aids. 9.

This collection is open to research.