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Correspondence, publications, and reports relating to the campaign against the Adirondack Northway.
The Citizens’ Northway Committee (CNC) was a non-partisan group of business and professional men – and women – who united with some forty conservation organizations, in an attempt to insure the choice of the better, safer, ‘Champlain Route’ for the Northway, and to save the Adirondacks from grave damage. The Committee promoted the Champlain Route as it served a larger year-round population, brought greater financial benefit to New York State, would be safer and easier to maintain and would not have passed through forest preserve lands.
The collection contains material informing voters about the vote on Amendment #2, notes on speeches given on the subject and correspondence between members and legislators and among members. After the amendment was passed, and the Adirondack Route chosen, the group went on to fight amendment No. 6 which would have handed over the Erie Canal to the Federal Government and the development of Hunter Mountain.
Publication Date
Adirondack Park, Adirondack Forest Preserve, Interstate 87, The Adirondack Northway
Recommended Citation
Amodeo, Margie, "Citizen’s Northway Committee Records, 1956-1960" (2013). Finding Aids. 6.

The collection is open to research.