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The collection consists of the personal papers and research files of Noel Riedinger-Johnson, primarily relating to her writings on Jeanne Robert Foster. The papers include writings, notes, and photographs used in compiling poems and prose of Jeanne Robert Foster for "Adirondack portraits: a piece of time," published by Syracuse University Press in 1986. Research materials include newspaper clippings, catalogs, and biographical materials on family, friends and associates of Foster. Additional materials contain Friends of the Forest Preserve, Inc. records, correspondence, writings and memorials for Paul Schaefer.
Publication Date
Fall 2019
Jeanne Robert Foster, Johnsburg, Adirondacks, poetry, Paul Schaefer, Friends of the Forest Preserve
Recommended Citation
Golebiewski, Matthew, "Noel Riedinger-Johnson Papers, 1912-2013" (2019). Finding Aids. 40.