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The records of Couch-Sa-Chra-Ga Association, Inc. measure 2.75 cubic feet and date from 1964-1991. The collection includes correspondence, finances, audio-visual materials, and other records of the Association relating to its production of films about the Adirondacks.
The Couch-Sa-Chra-Ga Association, Inc. evolved in 1974 from the Adirondack Hudson River Association, the group that led the state-wide battle to ban the Gooley Dam from being built on the upper Hudson River. Realizing the need to inform the public as to the value of New York State's wild lands, forests, and waters, the Association was incorporated in 1976 to produce educational materials about the Adirondacks with Paul Schaefer as its Executive Director. Schaefer had successfully used visual images to help educate people about the natural environment and issues endangering the Adirondacks in earlier conservation campaigns. The Association was a small, non-profit organization of volunteers. It produced 16mm motion picture films which were later transferred to various broadcast and home-video formats. After the success of their film, The Adirondack: The Land Nobody Knows, the Association began to set-up slide presentations and other forms of outreach. Senior members of the Couch-Sa-Chra- Ga Association, Inc. included Walter O. Haas, Thomas L. Cobb, Richard E. Weber, Jr., Ann Wait, Noel Reidinger-Johnson, Edwin J. Niedhammer, Jr., M. Lee Hunt, and Kay Steven. The organization was dissolved on May 14, 1991.
Publication Date
Summer 2019
documentary, film, Paul Schaefer, Adirondacks
Recommended Citation
Golebiewski, Matthew, "Couch-Sa-Chra-Ga Association, Inc. Records, 1964-1991" (2019). Finding Aids. 35.