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The Jeanne Robert Foster papers measure 12.11 cubic feet and date from 1854-2003, with the bulk of materials from 1930-1970. The collection documents the career and life of American poet and social worker, Jeanne Robert Foster (1879-1970) through her correspondence with publishers, academics, friends and family. The papers also contain extensive unpublished poems and writings. Her life and work is further documented in diaries, photographs, postcards, scrapbooks, and other miscellaneous items and ephemera. The majority of the materials date from the second half of her life in Schenectady, NY. Following her death, additional articles and clippings on Foster were collected and are included in the collection.
Publication Date
Winter 2019
poets, social work, Adirondacks, WWI, Schenectady, journalism
Recommended Citation
Golebiewski, Matthew, "Jeanne Robert Foster Papers, 1854-2003" (2019). Finding Aids. 33.