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The Archives of the Association for the Protection of the Adirondacks include reports, letters, maps, conference proceedings and other records pertaining to every substantial issue which has confronted the Adirondack Park and the Forest Preserve since 1901, when this Association was formed.
For some 50 years after this Association was established, it maintained an office in New York City at 19 Rector Street. In its earliest decades, it also employed a full time executive secretary, who was extremely active in investigating, reporting and lobbying on a great variety of topics, under direction of the Trustees of the Association. In 1967 the office was disbanded, and the Association records were stored with other library materials in the Schenectady residence of Paul Schaefer. After some 15 years, the Association took further steps to preserve these accumulating materials. The oldest were already suffering from age, mildew and insect infestations because of early storage conditions. The entire collection of documents were microfilmed and xeroxed, and then the originals were placed in the vault of the Adirondack Museum at Blue Mountain Lake, where atmospheric controls afford maximum protection. The Xerox copies were retained by Paul Schaefer, as working records and these were donated to the Adirondack Research Center at Union College, when it was formed in 1979. This central location in the Capital District facilitates public usage of these Archives. When the materials were received by the Adirondack Research Center in 1979, a group of volunteers began to organize and index them. Items were arranged in chronological order, hole-punched, and installed in custom binders, inscribed with the name and logo of the Association. Papers in poor condition were Xeroxed to preserve their contents, and legal-sized documents were reduced photographically.
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Recommended Citation
Burton, Donna, "Index to the Archives of the Association for the Protection of the Adirondacks, 1901-1984" (2023). Finding Aids. 29.