Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts



First Advisor

Linda Relyea




intervention, violence, alcohol, college students


This current study evaluates what factors contribute to bystander intervention when dealing with sexual assault and abuse on college campuses. Bystander intervention is a concept that is still in its infancy, concerning research and development. Through unsuccessful trials of spreading rape awareness on college campuses by focusing on the victims, the focus has shifted to educating the bystander, or college students as a whole. Factors that appear to be a major influence are drinking and going out more than twice a week. When alcohol is put in the mix, decision-making is impaired; therefore consent cannot be given. The collected data also reveals that many students do not know what is considered consent during sexual activities, whether alcohol is involved or not. Educating students to look for particular situations would clear up a lot of grey area. In this study, different factors that would potentially prevent bystander intervention are presented through a short questionnaire, handed out to 67 students through convenient sampling. A case study has also been made to discuss the University of Virginia lacrosse player, Yeardly Love. Both aid in exploring the different reason as to why bystander intervention does not always happen. Additional research should be made to further the factors that prevent bystander intervention through colleges throughout the country for clearer results.
