Date of Award


Document Type

Union College Only

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


Managerial Economics

First Advisor

Dong Cheng


Oil price changes, Russia, macroeconomy


The oil industry has the power to not just move markets, but also influence the success of entire nations. Many studies have examined the dynamic relationship between oil price fluctuations and the macroeconomy of oil-consuming countries. This paper differentiates itself by looking into how oil price fluctuations affect the macroeconomy for a representative oil producer, Russia specifically, using an OLS regression model with a reasonable number of confounding factors. As a leading emerging market nation, Russia has transformed its economy from communism to capitalism, relying on its deep inventory of commodities, such as oil and metals, for success. This paper delves into the intricacies of the Russian Federation and explores a variety of pivotal economic indicators including Russia’s GDP, unemployment rate, and inflation rate. The analysis leads to the finding that a 1% increase in oil prices contributes to a growth in Russian GDP of about 0.035% and a decline in the Russian unemployment rate and inflation rate of about 0.008% and 0.011%, respectively, and holding all else constant.
