Date of Award


Document Type

Union College Only

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science



First Advisor

Linda Stanhope




body image, media, self-monitor, exposure


Body image refers to a personʼs perception of their physical appearance, and their perception of their physical appearance to others. During adolescence, girls become aware of the “ideal” thin body for women portrayed in the media, which often causes a negative body image. Body image may also be affected by self-monitoring: the personality trait of adjusting oneʼs behavior to regulate the impression one make on others in social settings. Prior research has shown that high self-monitors pay more attention to their body image than do low self-monitors. In the current study, participants were given a series of questionnaires to determine their body image scores, quantity and quality of media exposure, and to categorize them as either high or low self-monitors. In the current study, I hypothesized that the aforementioned factors would produce an interaction such that adolescent girls, who were high self-monitors, and who had experienced high media exposure, would have more negative body images than low self-monitors, and those with low media exposure. Results are discussed in relation to helping college women develop healthy body images.
