Watershed Management and Protection in Glenville, NY

Hailey Stoltenberg, Union College - Schenectady, NY


Effective watershed management practices are vital for protecting water quality and aquatic ecosystems. Although the Town of Glenville has taken several steps in protecting their watersheds, such as illicit discharge monitoring, construction site monitoring, and participating in the Environmental Protection Agency's MS4 program, additional watershed management policy actions are proposed. The first policy suggestion details how the proposed policies can be established as a part of the town's MS4 program goals through Stormwater Management Best Management Practices (BMPs). The second policy suggestion calls for the installation of riparian buffers and emphasizes the benefits of natural buffers. The third suggestion pertains to cyclical monitoring assessments and emphasizes the value of regular testing of tributaries. The fourth suggestion encourages Glenville to expand their efforts in public education, with greater distribution of materials, in order to engage more residents in watershed management and protection.

May 21st, 3:30 PM

Watershed Management and Protection in Glenville, NY

Effective watershed management practices are vital for protecting water quality and aquatic ecosystems. Although the Town of Glenville has taken several steps in protecting their watersheds, such as illicit discharge monitoring, construction site monitoring, and participating in the Environmental Protection Agency's MS4 program, additional watershed management policy actions are proposed. The first policy suggestion details how the proposed policies can be established as a part of the town's MS4 program goals through Stormwater Management Best Management Practices (BMPs). The second policy suggestion calls for the installation of riparian buffers and emphasizes the benefits of natural buffers. The third suggestion pertains to cyclical monitoring assessments and emphasizes the value of regular testing of tributaries. The fourth suggestion encourages Glenville to expand their efforts in public education, with greater distribution of materials, in order to engage more residents in watershed management and protection.

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