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Open Access


Physics and Astronomy


The Undergraduate ALFALFA Team (UAT) Groups Project is investigating the influence of the environment on galaxies in group environments. Galaxies in clusters show evidence for a variety of environmental effects. The UAT team has chosen groups from the RASSCALS sample (groups defined using the Rosat X-ray satellite, Mahdavi et al. 2000). Galaxies within 2 degrees of group center and 3 sigma of the central velocity of the group were targeted for Hα observations. We cross-matched the 52 RASSCALS groups and clusters the UAT has observed to the Tempel et al. (2017) group catalog based on Sloan Digital Sky Survey observations, finding 26 that matched within 10 arcminutes of the RASSCALS group. Here we compare properties of these groups.

Investigating the environmental effects on the evolution of galaxies in groups and clusters


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