

Population declines of migratory songbird species throughout their range are well documented and have been associated with a complex variety of stressors, including, but not limited to: environmental pollution; habitat loss, conversion, and fragmentation; energy development and generation; and climate change. To better understand these and other potential impacts on songbird populations, biologists from Biodiversity Research Institute (BRI) collect scientific data to address these stressors through studies that target mercury exposure and effects assessments, determine movement and distribution patterns, and integrate findings with conservation and management strategies. Through an emphasis on neotropical migrant species, BRI has conducted research at various locations within the United States, particularly the northeastern U.S., as well as study sites in Central and South America, the Caribbean Islands, and China. With an overarching approach centered on the assessment of environmental stressors on wildlife health, BRI songbird studies are designed to advance scientific knowledge and to contribute valuable data to inform policy, assist in management decisions, and establish conservation initiatives for local, regional, and global songbird populations.



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